Trust Exercise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Trust Exercise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Kingsley reveal to the class during the exercise on pages 55-57?
(a) The date for the final exam.
(b) The arrival of the troupe from England.
(c) The cast list for the fall production.
(d) The private details of Sarah and David's relationship.

2. When David returns from summer vacation, what excuse does he give his mother in order to visit Sarah?
(a) He says he is going to the mall.
(b) He says he is going to play racquetball.
(c) He says he is going swimming.
(d) He says he is going to study.

3. What does the senior who takes a special interest in David drive?
(a) A red sportscar.
(b) A green station wagon.
(c) A blue convertible.
(d) A black truck.

4. According to the narrator on page 12, what does Sarah feel about David when he visits her following his summer vacation?
(a) A joyful affection.
(b) An angry warmth.
(c) A sad tenderness.
(d) A disappointed compassion.

5. What does CAPA stand for, as explained on page 2?
(a) The Conservatory Academe for the Performing Arts.
(b) The Creative Academy for the Performing Arts.
(c) The Common Academy for the Performing Arts.
(d) The Citywide Academy for the Performing Arts.

6. According to the narrator on page 2, what did everyone at school unwillingly experience?
(a) The fear between Mr. Kingsley and his students.
(b) The energy between Sarah and David.
(c) The awkwardness between Sarah and Joelle.
(d) The panic of Norbert and Manuel.

7. According to the narrator on page 97, what fails to relieve Sarah's pain?
(a) Reviving her friendship with Joelle.
(b) Gaining the interest of Liam.
(c) Earning her driver's license.
(d) Saving money.

8. What act causes Sarah to become a pariah at school?
(a) Her betrayal of Manuel.
(b) Her failure at acting.
(c) Her friendship with Joelle.
(d) Her rejection of David.

9. When the students are directed to crawl on the floor in the dark, how does David identify Sarah?
(a) By her earrings.
(b) By her hair.
(c) By her jeans.
(d) By her cardigan.

10. According to the narrator on page 17, what is love to David?
(a) Withdrawal.
(b) Denial.
(c) Validation.
(d) Declaration.

11. According to Sarah on page 91, Mr. Kingsley and the two English adults seem to form what?
(a) A sort of club.
(b) A sort of community.
(c) A sort of culture.
(d) A sort of civilization.

12. What does Sarah do with the shirts she finds in a garment rack used by the actors in the fall musical?
(a) Sells them.
(b) Destroys them.
(c) Hides them.
(d) Wears them.

13. When does the first section of the novel take place?
(a) The mid-60s.
(b) The mid-70s.
(c) The mid-80s.
(d) The mid-90s.

14. What type of exercises are employed in the students' acting class, as explained on page 2?
(a) Ensemble Monologues.
(b) Mirror Games.
(c) Trust Exercises.
(d) Method Acting.

15. Who teaches Movement?
(a) Ms. Rubut.
(b) Ms. Reyet.
(c) Ms. Ragat.
(d) Ms. Rozot.

Short Answer Questions

1. Upon leaving the party at the end of the first section of the novel, whom does Sarah call second?

2. What is the name of the CAPA principal?

3. Upon leaving the party at the end of the first section of the novel, whom does Sarah call first?

4. According to the narrator on page 9, each of David's postcards comprise what type of message?

5. What is the name given to the visitors from England, as explained on page 87?

(see the answer keys)

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