The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Final Test - Medium

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Final Test - Medium

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Pan Andrew say is intent on stealing the crystal?
(a) Michael the Snake.
(b) Jan Kanty.
(c) Nicholas Kreutz.
(d) Peter of the Button Face.

2. Where does the reader learn Peter of the Button Face is going after having left Krakow for a few months?
(a) To Russia.
(b) To Kiev.
(c) To the Urkaine.
(d) Back to Krakow.

3. When the 12 men see the explosions, who do they tell their leader they are afraid of?
(a) Nicholas Kreutz.
(b) Pan Andrew Charnetski.
(c) Joseph Charnetski.
(d) The Evil One, or the Devil.

4. Who is Krakus?
(a) A hero who helped to defeat the Tartars.
(b) A hero who fought valliantly in Kiev.
(c) A hero who slayed a dragon that had made its nest at Wawel Hill.
(d) A hero who fought valliantly in Lvov.

5. What do the people try to do with their possessions during the fire?
(a) Because the fire is contained quickly, they just have to do some clean up in their dwellings.
(b) They try to quickly rescue as much as they can from the fire.
(c) They sell their possessions.
(d) They take them to the king's palace to help his family.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the chief glory of the city?

2. What reason does Pan Andrew give for almost losing everything he has?

3. What is the best description of the explosions referenced in the Charnetskis' apartment?

4. While in the trance in Chapter 13, what does Kreutz do?

5. Whose help is Ivan the Great seeking for what he wants?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain what happens after Kreutz grabs the crystal from the king's hands.

2. Explain what happens to the Charnetski family at the end of Chapter 16.

3. What does the inside of the Church of Our Lady Mary look like?

4. When Jan Kanty arrives at the tower with Kreutz in Chapter 14, what does Pan Andrew observe?

5. Describe the chief glory of the city of Krakow as it is explained in the Epilogue.

6. Chapter 11 explains that something has changed with Peter of the Button Face. Describe the changes.

7. As Peter tries to escape in Chapter 10, what does Kreutz do?

8. What happens when Kreutz actually mixes the ingredients to make the Philosopher's Stone in Chapter 13?

9. In Chapter 13, what is Tring's reaction when he sees the Great Tarnov Crystal in the middle of Kreutz's loft?

10. When Elzbietka hears the Heynal played in its entirety as described in Chapter 12, where is she and what does she do?

(see the answer keys)

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