The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is questioned in the king's chambers?
(a) Nicholas Kreutz.
(b) Jan Kanty.
(c) Michael the Snake.
(d) Peter of the Button Face.

2. Where does the reader learn Peter of the Button Face is going after having left Krakow for a few months?
(a) To the Urkaine.
(b) To Kiev.
(c) To Russia.
(d) Back to Krakow.

3. Of what is Krakow the center?
(a) Music only.
(b) Arts only.
(c) Warrior training.
(d) Arts, music, crafts, and education.

4. Which statement best describes what the king does with Peter of the Button Face?
(a) He gives him his freedom but says he can't return to Poland for three years.
(b) He gives him his freedom but banishes him from Poland forever.
(c) He enlists his help to conquer Ivan the Great.
(d) He puts him in prision in the king's palace.

5. After the explosions, what is the new nickname of Peter of the Button Face?
(a) Bodgan of the Hair.
(b) Bodgan of the Buttons.
(c) Bogdan of the Singed Locks.
(d) Bodgan of the Fire.

6. Why is Joseph anxious to see the palace at Wawel Hill?
(a) He is interested in the architecture of the palace.
(b) He wants to try to become part of the palace guard.
(c) He is familiar with the legend of Krakus.
(d) He wants to see Peter of the Button Face.

7. Once Tring sees what Kreutz puts in the middle of the room, what does he understand?
(a) He understands why the Tartars hate the Polish people so much.
(b) He understands why Kreutz is in frequent trances.
(c) He understands why Stas disappeared.
(d) He understands why Kreutz is so worried about his niece.

8. What is the best description of Krakow at the time the novel was written?
(a) Gothic in every corner and gable except for a few Romanesque walls and arches.
(b) All Gothic architecture.
(c) All Modern architecture.
(d) All Roman architecture.

9. With what does Peter threaten Joseph before he sends him away with Michael?
(a) Peter tells Joseph he will kill Pan Andrew if Joseph does not return with the crystal.
(b) Peter says he will kill Elzbietka if Joseph does not return with the gold.
(c) Peter says he will kill Joseph if he does not return with the crystal.
(d) Peter tells Joseph he will kill his mother if Joseph does not return with the crystal.

10. What happens to Joseph, his mother, and Elzbietka during the fire?
(a) They flee their home but get trapped in the church.
(b) They flee their home and go to the king's palace.
(c) They flee their home but get trapped in the crowd on the Street of Pigeons.
(d) They flee their home and go to the University.

11. How much of the city is destroyed by the fire?
(a) Just the houses on the Street of Pigeons.
(b) One third of the entire city.
(c) Just the University buildings.
(d) Almost the entire city.

12. Because Pan Andrew is so depressed about the treasure being gone, what does Joseph often do?
(a) He cheers him up by finding the treasure.
(b) He gets his father an audience with the king.
(c) He does all of the marketplace shopping for the family.
(d) He lets his father sleep and plays the Heynal on the trumpet through the night.

13. What building has defied fire, siege, and war for eight centuries?
(a) St. Andrew's.
(b) The Church of Our Lady Mary.
(c) Old Cloth Hall.
(d) The University.

14. What is done to help fight the fire?
(a) Firemen are called in to help stop the fire.
(b) The women start throwing buckets of water on the fire.
(c) A line is drawn by tearing down adjacent buildings to keep it from spreading further.
(d) Buckets of water are thrown on the center of the fire.

15. Why is Tring angry with the information from Kreutz about his mental state?
(a) Because he thinks Kreutz is going to make more money than he is going to make.
(b) Because he wanted to be the one to tell the king.
(c) Because he is afraid that Kreutz has shared their secret with someone else.
(d) Because he is worried for Kreutz's mental stability.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does every citizen in Krakow have in their homes?

2. What do men and women of the twentieth century think of when they hear the music?

3. What does Kreutz say he has done to obtain the item he places in the middle of the room?

4. What reason does Pan Andrew give for being at the palace in Chapter 15?

5. When Peter talks to Pan Andrew, what information does Pan Andrew give that Peter refuses to believe?

(see the answer keys)

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