Trumpet: Test | Final Test - Hard

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trumpet: Test | Final Test - Hard

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Colman do for Millie right after Joss's death that surprises Millie?

2. What does Colman say his father Joss Moody could not cope with at one stage of Colman's life on page 163?

3. What is the name of the community where Edith Moore, Colman's grandmother, lives?

4. What sound startles Maggie on her third visit to the Moody house?

5. What kind of lessons does Joss end up giving Colman's first girlfriend that he brings home?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Colman Moody feel during his train journey from London to Glasgow to meet Sophie Stones?

2. Why does Colman get up and follow a man, another passenger, on the train to Glasgow?

3. Why does Colman quit his job as a courier right after Joss's funeral?

4. What was Millie's favorite day with Joss, and why did she cherish it so much?

5. How does Sophie Stones feel about her sister, Sarah?

6. What does Colman think about the relationship he had with Joss just before Joss died?

7. What does Sophie Stones Tell Colman about Joss that shocks him on page 143?

8. What does Maggie notice about Joss Moody almost immediately after meeting him?

9. How does Maggie feel about the Moodys as a family, and how they treated her as their cleaner?

10. How does Millie Moody feel when she begins getting multiple letters from Sophie Stones?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Why does Maggie, the Moodys' house cleaner, decide to give an interview to the journalist Sophie Stones, and what important information does Maggie give to Sophie about Joss Moody? How does Maggie feel about having done the interview afterwards? Write an essay explaining your answer.

Essay Topic 2

Kay describes a wide range of character reactions to the shocking revelation that Joss Moody was born with a woman's body. Choose three characters who exhibit a range of different reactions to the revelation and analyze their reactions. Write an essay explaining what you think Kay is trying to convey to the reader about the experience of transgender people through her descriptions of these different characters' reactions.

Essay Topic 3

The funeral director, Albert Holding, handles the fact of Joss Moody's gender quite awkwardly, and his actions set the rest of the story's action and suspense in motion. Write an essay exploring the nuances of Holding's reaction and consider how the action of the novel might have been different if he had handled the disclosure of Joss Moody's gender to Colman Moody differently.

(see the answer keys)

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