Trumpet: Test | Final Test - Medium

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trumpet: Test | Final Test - Medium

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the community where Edith Moore, Colman's grandmother, lives?
(a) The Larches.
(b) The Branches.
(c) The Applewood.
(d) The Heath.

2. What instrument did Joss try to encourage Colman to play?
(a) Guitar.
(b) Trumpet.
(c) Drums.
(d) Piano.

3. Why does Colman break things off with the first girlfriend he brings home?
(a) She tells him she wants to be a musician.
(b) She tells him she wants to have sex.
(c) She tells him she thinks his father Joss is very gentle and attractive.
(d) She tells him he is too angry all the time.

4. What did Josephine bring for Edith to eat the last time she visited Edith?
(a) Pizza.
(b) Pie.
(c) Baked ham.
(d) A carry-out chicken curry.

5. What sound startles Maggie on her third visit to the Moody house?
(a) The dishwasher.
(b) Colman yelling.
(c) Joss's trumpet.
(d) The dog.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Sophie urge Colman to go with her to research the book on page 141?

2. What does Colman briefly panic about on his way to Glasgow?

3. What decade does Colman remember Joss being obsessed with?

4. What does Maggie still have that belongs to the Moodys?

5. What does Colman give to the man asking for money in the tube?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Colman quit his job as a courier right after Joss's funeral?

2. Why does Colman break up with his girlfriend Melanie?

3. What is the first thing Millie Moody asked the cleaner Maggie when she began working for the Moodys?

4. Why is Melanie called Melanie, instead of her given name, Ruth?

5. How does Colman Moody feel during his train journey from London to Glasgow to meet Sophie Stones?

6. What was Millie's favorite day with Joss, and why did she cherish it so much?

7. How does Millie Moody feel when she begins getting multiple letters from Sophie Stones?

8. How does Colman Moody feel about the prospect of meeting Joss Moody's mother for the first time?

9. What is Colman Moody's own flat in London like?

10. How does Maggie feel about the Moodys as a family, and how they treated her as their cleaner?

(see the answer keys)

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