Trumpet: Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trumpet: Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Albert Holding finally tell Colman about his news about Joss Moody, Colman's father?
(a) Albert will have to call the press about Joss.
(b) Colman would have to see for himself.
(c) Albert will have to call the authorities about Joss.
(d) Albert does not think he can go through with burying Joss.

2. What does the doctor who examines Joss after his death have to do to make sure Joss is biologically a woman?
(a) Ask Millie.
(b) Do an autopsy.
(c) Draw blood.
(d) Examine Joss's sexual organs.

3. What natural disaster event happened as Colman was born?
(a) A wildfire.
(b) A tornado.
(c) A hurricane.
(d) A tsunami.

4. Why does Millie buy so much meat at one time on page 88?
(a) She is having many visitors she needs to cook for.
(b) She is cooking for the homeless shelter.
(c) She is cooking for the funeral guests.
(d) She does not want to have to go out in public very often.

5. What was Joss Moody's birth name?
(a) Josephine Skye.
(b) Melinda Goddard.
(c) Jennifer Jones.
(d) Josephine Moore.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of tree did Millie and Joss plant for Colman's first birthday?

2. What did Mohammad most often observe about a pensioner there to register a parent's death?

3. What does the doctor use to correct the initial death certificate for Joss after examining him?

4. What kind of eyes did the registrar have?

5. What does Millie ask the registrar to do concerning the record of Joss Moody's death?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Millie's mother feel about her wedding to Joss at first, and why does she feel that way?

2. Why was Millie so tense when her mother came to visit she and Joss in their own flat early in their marriage?

3. How does Colman Moody find out that his father Joss Moody was a transgender person?

4. Why does Millie Moody go to her house in Torr following her husband Joss's death?

5. Why is Millie asking a locksmith to change the locks on her doors in Part II?

6. How does Colman Moody feel about his birth parents?

7. In Part II, why does Colman decide not to open his father's letter addressed to him to be opened after Joss died?

8. How do Millie and Joss first meet?

9. What does Colman remember Joss Moody having a lifelong phobia of?

10. How was the weather very unusual on the day of Joss Moody's funeral?

(see the answer keys)

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