Trumpet: Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trumpet: Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were Joss and Millie both doing the first time they met?
(a) Volunteering at a church.
(b) Reading to children.
(c) Donating blood.
(d) Playing music.

2. What is the name of the journalist who is working on a book about Joss Moody?
(a) Sophie Stones.
(b) Lindy Westing.
(c) Norah Rahm.
(d) Melinda Good.

3. How does Colman feel that Joss felt about him?
(a) Colman feels that Joss never wanted him to become a musician.
(b) Colman feels that Joss always wanted him to become an artist of some kind.
(c) Colman feels that Joss was always disappointed in him.
(d) Colman feels that Joss was terribly proud of him.

4. What does the doctor use to correct the initial death certificate for Joss after examining him?
(a) A black marker.
(b) An eraser.
(c) A paintbrush.
(d) A red biro.

5. What is one of the peculiarities of Joss's death that the registrar notices?
(a) He had made a will asking that his cause of death be recorded as cancer.
(b) He had claimed no pension.
(c) He had died at home.
(d) He had died in the hospital.

6. What is the name of the doctor who creates Joss's death certificate?
(a) Dr. Krishnamurty.
(b) Dr. MacFarland.
(c) Dr. Dane.
(d) Dr. Duty.

7. What could the registrar tell about a person as soon as they walked into his office?
(a) How long they would stay.
(b) How much money they had.
(c) What they were there for - a birth, death, or wedding.
(d) What their handwriting would look like.

8. What natural disaster event happened as Colman was born?
(a) A tsunami.
(b) A hurricane.
(c) A tornado.
(d) A wildfire.

9. What movie does Millie recall on page 1 that she can relate to her feelings after Joss's death?
(a) Ray.
(b) Hogan's Heroes.
(c) The Crying Game.
(d) Double Indemnity.

10. What does Millie compare Joss's trumpet to on page 34?
(a) A soul.
(b) A magician's hat.
(c) A magic wand.
(d) A golden chalice.

11. Who is the only one who knows where Millie has fled to from London in Part I?
(a) Big Red.
(b) Colman.
(c) Joss.
(d) Edith.

12. How does Colman feel towards his birth parents, whom he has never met?
(a) He wants to meet just his birth father.
(b) He does not care at all about them.
(c) He has already met his birth parents and he dislikes them.
(d) He wants to meet just his birth mother.

13. What age does the registrar guess for Millie Moody?
(a) 80.
(b) 75.
(c) 40.
(d) 60.

14. What did Millie's mother suffer from when Millie was a teenager?
(a) Aphasia.
(b) Alopecia.
(c) Narcolepsy.
(d) Bulemia.

15. In which town did Joss Moody grow up?
(a) Skellings.
(b) Dublin.
(c) Greenock.
(d) London.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Joss Moody's birth name?

2. What is the title of the first song Kay uses an excerpt of lyrics from in the novel?

3. How does Millie feel when she receives the second letter from Sophie Stones?

4. How many brothers of Millie's attend her wedding to Joss?

5. What does Albert Holding put in his pocket that belongs to Joss Moody?

(see the answer keys)

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