Truman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Truman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Harry Truman travels to see Bess in Grandview. How many miles one way is the trip?
(a) One Mile
(b) Three hundred Miles
(c) Fifty Miles
(d) Sixteen Miles

2. Where did the Truman family live when in D.C. until Harry became President?
(a) Blair House
(b) Missouri embassy
(c) 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
(d) 4701 Connecticut Avenue

3. The Truman Committee saved the U.S. taxpayers a great deal of money. What is the estimated amount mentioned in the book?
(a) $1 million
(b) $3 million
(c) $15 billion
(d) $10,000

4. Whose photographs does Harry carry in his uniform pocket during the entire war?
(a) His mother, Bess and another girlfriend
(b) His father, his dog and Bess
(c) Bess, Mary Jane and his mother.
(d) His dog, his cat and Bess

5. What essential materials were in short supply as America prepared for war?
(a) Aluminum, copper, zinc and rubber
(b) lead, coal, limestone and rock
(c) computers, cell phones and i-pods
(d) steel, latex, and plutonium

6. Why does the Truman family move to Kansas City? .
(a) The Truman family were asked to leave town
(b) John Truman left the family to join the war
(c) Harry Truman forced them to move for his political ambition
(d) John Truman has lost the family business and property due to bad investments in wheat futures

7. What was the name of Roosevelt's beloved dog?
(a) Fala
(b) Rin Tin Tin
(c) Socks
(d) Lassie

8. Who was in charge of the Soviet Union when Truman became President?
(a) Hitler
(b) Josef Stalin
(c) Kruschev
(d) Gorbachev

9. What does the Truman farm produce?
(a) Wheat
(b) Corn
(c) Bermuda grass
(d) Soybeans

10. In 1841, what was considered the extreme frontier of the USA?
(a) Southern Georgia
(b) Vermont
(c) Western Pennsylvania
(d) Western Missouri

11. In the extended family of the Truman household, who disciplined Margaret?
(a) Truman's mother
(b) Harry
(c) Bess
(d) Bess's Mother

12. What was the Canol Project?
(a) A plan to end hunger in America using cooking oil
(b) The atom bomb
(c) A plan for a large dam on the Canol River
(d) A scheme to build a four inch pipeline from Canada to Alaska

13. Who were Harry Truman's parents?
(a) John Truman and Martha Ellen Young
(b) Solomon Young and Mary Jane Truman
(c) Harry Truman Sr and Elizabeth Young
(d) Bill Truman and Elizabeth Taylor

14. What does Harry give as a reason to join the military and go to war?
(a) It is either this or jail time
(b) I need a job
(c) I need to get out of twon
(d) Someone has to do it.

15. What did Roosevelt say were the Four Freedoms?
(a) Freedom of speech, religion, from want, from fear.
(b) Freedom of religion, marriage, finances and lawful gathering
(c) Freedom from fear, debt, phobias and medication
(d) Freedom from preachers, tax assessors, visiting relatives and telemarketers

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was President of the USA during World War I?

2. What event propelled the United States into WWII?

3. According to his letters to Bess, what part of Truman's command duties did he dislike the most?

4. Harry Truman's ancestors were predominantly of what heritage?

5. Why is Chapter 2 entitled "Model Boy?"

(see the answer keys)

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