True History of the Kelly Gang Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

True History of the Kelly Gang Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who intends to kill Ned and Dan?
(a) Steve Hart.
(b) Constable Flood.
(c) George King.
(d) Sgt. Kennedy.

2. Why do constables and local politicians arrest twenty-one people for just knowing Ned Kelly?
(a) They believe these people are part of the Kelly gang.
(b) Those people are thieves, like Ned.
(c) They have broken the law with Ned.
(d) They are desperate to prove they are doing something.

3. What has Ellen been sentenced to?
(a) Three years of community service.
(b) Three years of hard labor.
(c) Three days of solitary confinement.
(d) Three years in prison.

4. What does Thomas Crunow do?
(a) He stops the train before it crashes.
(b) He saves the gang.
(c) He crashes the train.
(d) He puts the cops on the wrong track.

5. Why are they having a difficult time crossing the Murray River?
(a) A landslide has destroyed all good routes.
(b) The paths are blocked by cops.
(c) They can not find a good route.
(d) They need a boat.

Short Answer Questions

1. The gang is fighting emotional stress, bad weather, disease, and is always just a few steps away from who?

2. Where does Ned find the information about the Monitor?

3. How does this section end?

4. How does Ned find out he's a father?

5. What are Ned's last words?

Short Essay Questions

1. For what does Ned request before he dies? What happens to these requests?

2. What happens between Ned and Mary?

3. What happens to Ned when he thanks the man who admits Ned did not steal his horse?

4. Where do Ned and his friends prepare for the fight?

5. How does Ned get Mary to believe him about the "murders?"

6. What do the police do to the women and children?

7. What is significant about Ned's last words?

8. About what does Ned dream?

9. What happens to the two constables the gang ambushes?

10. What makes one wonder if this is a dream at all?

(see the answer keys)

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