True History of the Kelly Gang Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

True History of the Kelly Gang Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the family bring out the good table cloth and candles, and they eat everything Ellen has baked?
(a) Ned has made up his mind.
(b) Ned has decided not to turn himself in.
(c) The charges have been dropped.
(d) The Harry Power turns himself in.

2. Why is Ned sold to the bush ranger, Harry Power?
(a) Harry Power needs an assistant.
(b) Ellen needs the money to support the rest of her family.
(c) To clear the way for Bill Frost and Ellen to be married.
(d) Ellen can not stand Ned.

3. What does Kevin, the Rat Charmer predict?
(a) Freedom from rats.
(b) Rats in the barn.
(c) Problems with rats.
(d) A plague of rats, and baby Ellen dies.

4. What does his mother give Ned to wear for when the police come to take him in?
(a) A rosary.
(b) A lucky charm.
(c) A scarf she has made him.
(d) His sash from saving Dick Shelton.

5. Who is the school bully who hears a story about Ned's father and passes it around?
(a) Red Kelly.
(b) Michael O'Connor.
(c) Patchy Moran.
(d) Dick Shelton.

Short Answer Questions

1. At fifteen years old, what does Ned have to do?

2. What does Ned realize James has done?

3. How does the novel start?

4. Why does Ned take an alternate way to school?

5. What do Turk Morrison, Bill Frost, Alex Gunn, and the infamous Harry Power have in common?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is this story about?

2. Why is Ned amazed to see how easily his mother is bullied by Bill Frost?

3. Who does Ned say gives up Harry Power to the authorities?

4. Why does Ned not know his mother has sold him to the bush ranger, Henry Power?

5. What does Ned do when he sees Dick Shelton drowning in the creek?

6. What happens after Ellen slaps Sergeant O'Neil?

7. What does Ben do that Ned protects him by doing his prison time?

8. How does Ned's family respond when he arrives home?

9. Why does Ned become unhappy on the new property?

10. Where does Ned work?

(see the answer keys)

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