True History of the Kelly Gang Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

True History of the Kelly Gang Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When they return two weeks later, what do they find out?
(a) The letter has been printed.
(b) The printer has been killed.
(c) The letter has been handed over to the police.
(d) Every person in town has a copy of his letter.

2. What does the man who puts them up hope about the boys in dresses?
(a) They escape.
(b) They beat the constables.
(c) They die.
(d) They survive.

3. What does Ned get from reading about the Monitor?
(a) The idea to build armor.
(b) The idea to build a model of the Monitor.
(c) A great story from the Civil War.
(d) A way to create guns.

4. What does Mary do when Ned tells her why he can't go to the United States and will not change his mind?
(a) She leaves.
(b) She sends George to the United States to stay with relatives.
(c) She stays with him.
(d) She tries to get Ned's mother released from prison.

5. What does the wife do with the five pounds?
(a) She returns it.
(b) She throws it away.
(c) She keeps it.
(d) She spends it.

6. What is one of Ned's final requests?
(a) To have his letter sent to Mary.
(b) To be set free, for he is innocent.
(c) To be buried in consecrated ground.
(d) To see his mother one last time.

7. Ned falls in love with Mary, and what does he buy her as a gift?
(a) A new pair of shoes.
(b) A purse.
(c) A hat.
(d) A dress.

8. Where does the gang find out Aaron is camping out?
(a) In town.
(b) On a farm.
(c) In the Australian outback.
(d) In a cave with several police.

9. What do Dan and Steve yell while wearing stolen dresses?
(a) "Sons of Sieve."
(b) "Sons of Satan."
(c) "Sons of Liberty."
(d) "Sons of Anarchy."

10. What is everywhere in this dream?
(a) Ironclads.
(b) Money.
(c) Blood.
(d) His family.

11. In what has Ned lost faith?
(a) That anyone in the government will do anything.
(b) His gang.
(c) God.
(d) His wife.

12. Why will Ned and Dan offer to turn themselves in?
(a) They are trying to protect Ned's brother.
(b) They are guilty.
(c) If Ellen gets a lighter sentence.
(d) If Ellen is released.

13. Why are they having a difficult time crossing the Murray River?
(a) They need a boat.
(b) The paths are blocked by cops.
(c) A landslide has destroyed all good routes.
(d) They can not find a good route.

14. What does Mary do when she sees the boys show up in dresses?
(a) She faints.
(b) She cries.
(c) She beats him up.
(d) She laughs.

15. What does Ned do as his group leaves town?
(a) He throws away his letter.
(b) He begins another letter.
(c) He curses the town.
(d) He marries the printer's wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the fight ensues, what do the police do?

2. What does the man who put them up call the boys in dresses?

3. Of what does Constable Flood accuse Dan?

4. What does the schoolmaster rip out for Ned to keep?

5. How does the chapter end?

(see the answer keys)

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