Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 23, why does Rodriguez hire Arcangel?
(a) To transport goods.
(b) To build a wall.
(c) To organize papers.
(d) To dig a ditch.

2. In Chapter 25, why doesn't Gabriel go to Mexico when Rafaela calls him?
(a) He's too angry with Rafaela to go there.
(b) He doesn't think it's important.
(c) He can't afford to travel.
(d) He's too busy with work.

3. How old does Arcangel say he is to the United States Customs officials?
(a) Fifty years old.
(b) Five-hundred years old.
(c) Five years old.
(d) He refuses to say.

4. In Chapter 39, how does Gabriel get home from the airport?
(a) He hitches a ride.
(b) He takes the bus.
(c) He walks.
(d) He rents a car.

5. When Gabriel is in Mexico in Chapter 32, how does he know where to go?
(a) He receives directions from a stranger.
(b) Emi sends him updates with new directions.
(c) Rafaela left him detailed directions.
(d) He doesn't know where to go; he just wanders.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Arcangel end up moving the bus he was riding on in Chapter 33?

2. What happens when news breaks about cocaine in oranges in Chapter 22?

3. What amazes Rodriguez about Arcangel when they work together in Chapter 23?

4. Why is Bobby angry after receiving Gabriel's fax in Chapter 40?

5. Why is Gabriel unable to track the smuggled oranges?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why doesn't Rafaela tell Gabriel about the people harvesting human organs in Chapter 24?

2. What happens when Arcangel tries to cross the United States border in Chapter 33?

3. In Chapter 27, what does Gabriel ask of Emi while he is away in Mexico?

4. What does the situation on the freeway remind Manzanar of in Chapter 28?

5. What prediction does Manzanar make in Chapter 35 about the Los Angeles sporting events?

6. How does Rafaela protect herself from the man in the black Jaguar?

7. How does Gabriel reveal C. Juarez's real name?

8. In Chapter 39, how does Rafaela help Gabriel try to find Sol?

9. What happens when Rafaela calls Gabriel after mailing him the cooler from Dona Maria's?

10. What is "What's the Buzz?"

(see the answer keys)

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