Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the man in the black Jaguar end up being able to capture Rafaela?
(a) Because she gets too close trying to save Sol.
(b) Because she gives herself over to him.
(c) Because she falls asleep on the bus.
(d) Because Arcangel hands her over to him.

2. In Chapter 32, how does Gabriel receive a list of all the people in Mazatlan who have gone missing?
(a) He finds a list in his mailbox.
(b) Emi faxes him the list.
(c) A stranger hands him a stack of computer disks.
(d) He finds a stack of papers under Gabriel's couch.

3. In Chapter 30, what does Arcangel give Rafaela to give to Sol?
(a) A mask.
(b) A dollar bill.
(c) A poem.
(d) A book.

4. In Chapter 36, why are the people around Arcangel amazed with his orange?
(a) Because it is the last remaining orange.
(b) Because it is so large.
(c) Because he is juggling it.
(d) Because it is neon orange.

5. In Chapter 39, how does Gabriel get home from the airport?
(a) He rents a car.
(b) He takes the bus.
(c) He hitches a ride.
(d) He walks.

6. In Chapter 25, why doesn't Gabriel go to Mexico when Rafaela calls him?
(a) He doesn't think it's important.
(b) He can't afford to travel.
(c) He's too angry with Rafaela to go there.
(d) He's too busy with work.

7. What happens after Emi learns she must film her news in order to accommodate returning commercial breaks?
(a) She sees a third fire break out.
(b) She questions her boss' judement on air.
(c) Buzzworm yells at her boss.
(d) Buzzworm takes her microphone.

8. In Chapter 34, why is Bobby confident he can get Xiayue across the United States border?
(a) He isn't confident he can cross the border.
(b) He thinks she will pass as his daughter.
(c) He has money to pay them off.
(d) He knows the customs officials.

9. Why does Emi tell Buzzworm she go involved with Gabriel?
(a) Because he is romantic.
(b) Because he is serious.
(c) Because he is beautiful.
(d) Because he is rich.

10. How does Bobby react when he sees Rafaela in Chapter 45?
(a) He sighs.
(b) He laughs.
(c) He cries.
(d) He ignores her.

11. Who is the first person Emi tells about Manzanar being her grandfather?
(a) Buzzworm.
(b) Rafaela.
(c) Her cameraman.
(d) Gabriel.

12. How does Gabriel tell Bobby about the assault on Rafaela?
(a) Gabriel calls Bobby.
(b) Gabriel has Emi call Bobby.
(c) Gabriel visits Bobby.
(d) Gabriel sends Bobby an email.

13. Why does Arcangel end up moving the bus he was riding on in Chapter 33?
(a) Because the bus is going in the wrong direction.
(b) Because the bus breaks down.
(c) Because the bus has a flat tire.
(d) Because someone dares him to.

14. In Chapter 23, how long does Arcangel tell Rodriguez he has been traveling?
(a) One thousand years.
(b) Five years.
(c) Five hundred years.
(d) Ten years.

15. What does Rafaela do when the man in the black Jaguar attacks her?
(a) She runs away.
(b) She calls for help.
(c) She plays dead.
(d) She fights back.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 40, how long does Bobby think it will take him to get to the wrestling match?

2. After showing Manzanar the cooler, what does Buzzworm notice?

3. Why does Gabriel send faxes to the paper in Chapter 43?

4. Why does Buzzworm end up throwing the cooler?

5. Why doesn't Gabriel want Emi to open the package from Rafaela?

(see the answer keys)

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