Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 17, what happens on the freeway near the accident site?
(a) A fire breaks out.
(b) A semi truck gets into an accident.
(c) Emi's car is stolen.
(d) A police man is shot.

2. How many men are in the sports car during the accident in Chapter 8?
(a) Two.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

3. How does Rafaela Cortez start each morning?
(a) By drinking a cup of coffee.
(b) By sweeping the house.
(c) By waking up her children.
(d) By doing loads of laundry.

4. In Chapter 2, what does Rafaela want Bobby to do before she returns home?
(a) Find a new job.
(b) Give up smoking.
(c) Register to vote.
(d) Buy a new house.

5. In Chapter 9, why is Gabriel having a difficult time following Buzzworm's lead on the news story about the homeless man?
(a) Because Buzzworm lied about the lead.
(b) Because of a major accident on the highway.
(c) Because his car broke down.
(d) Because of the homeless man refusing to speak.

6. What business does Bobby run?
(a) A mail sorting business.
(b) A car repair business.
(c) A lunch delivery business.
(d) A janitorial business.

7. In Chapter 6, what does Gabriel realize is wrong with his house in Mexico?
(a) It's on a flood plain.
(b) No one from Los Angeles will want to visit.
(c) He can't speak Spanish.
(d) He probably can't afford it.

8. Why does Gabriel become angry with Emi in Chapter 3?
(a) Because she has another boyfriend.
(b) Because she disagrees with his politics.
(c) Because she teases him.
(d) Because she leaves early.

9. In Chapter 3, why does Gabriel say the sun is directly over his house?
(a) Because he is happy with his life.
(b) Because it is the summer solstice.
(c) Because it is the autumnal solstice.
(d) Because he met Emi.

10. What makes Bobby think of Rafaela's brother in Chapter 12?
(a) When he watches crime reports on the news.
(b) When he goes to the bank.
(c) When he gets a call from Rafaela's sister.
(d) When he thinks of Rafaela.

11. In Chapter 21, why do people recognize Archangel's costume?
(a) No one can recognize his costume.
(b) Because it appeared in the newspaper that day.
(c) Because it belonged to a famous person.
(d) Because it was shown as being stolen.

12. Who sees the orange roll down the street in Chapter 11?
(a) Rafaela.
(b) Arcangel.
(c) Sol.
(d) Dona Maria.

13. How does Bobby feel about the wage he earns in the United States?
(a) He is angry that he isn't paid more.
(b) He is worried that he won't have any savings.
(c) He thinks it is acceptable.
(d) He is excited by how generous it is.

14. In Chapter 6, why doesn't Gabriel tease the editor he is testing?
(a) Because Gabriel is too tired.
(b) Because Gabriel is afraid of the editor.
(c) Because Gabriel likes the editor.
(d) Because Gabriel is thinking about Emi instead.

15. In Chapter 7, what does Arcangel predict?
(a) The gender of unborn babies.
(b) Wealth.
(c) Doom.
(d) The future of politics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 10, what upsets Rodriguez about the eggs?

2. In Chapter 13, what does Buzzworm say the first step is to improving neighborhoods?

3. How do other homeless men feel about Manzanar Mukakami?

4. How does Bobby try to quit smoking?

5. How does Emi describe cultural diversity in Chapter 20?

(see the answer keys)

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