Troilus and Criseyde Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Troilus and Criseyde Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Pandarus beg of Criseyde when she meets Troilus for the first time?
(a) To be honest with him.
(b) To have pity on him.
(c) To give him what he wants.
(d) To explain her situation.

2. How does Criseyde plan to thwart the trade?
(a) By moving in with Pandarus.
(b) By offering herself instead.
(c) By running away with Troilus.
(d) By starving herself.

3. Why does Criseyde agree to go to Pandarus' house for dinner?
(a) Because Pandarus is an excellent cook.
(b) Because she will be able to see Troilus.
(c) Because she trusts Pandarus.
(d) Because Troilus is out of town.

4. Why does Criseyde feel the way that she does about her father?
(a) Because he cheated on her (Criseyde's) mother.
(b) Because he is a traitor.
(c) Because he could ruin her.
(d) Because he is trying to save her.

5. Who does Pandarus praise when Troilus agrees to Criseyde's conditions?
(a) Zeus and Aphrodite.
(b) Hera and Hermes.
(c) Portia and Apollo.
(d) Venus and Cupid.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Criseyde offer to send to Troilus when she hears the false rumor that Pandarus has made up?

2. How does Criseyde hear about the prisoner trade?

3. Who is excited about the prisoner trade?

4. Why is Criseyde reluctant to go to Pandarus' house for dinner?

5. Why does Criseyde greet Troilus the way that she does the first time that she meets him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the focus of the long speech that Troilus delivers to Pandarus?

2. What does Criseyde say to Troilus as she leaves him for the trade?

3. How does Pandarus get Criseyde to spend the night at his house?

4. What was Criseyde's first plan to thwart the trade of herself to the Greeks?

5. Why does Troilus not oppose the trade of Criseyde for Antenor?

6. How does Troilus calm Pandarus when the latter begins to feel ashamed?

7. What leads Troilus to consider suicide?

8. Why does Hector oppose the trade of Criseyde for Antenor?

9. Why does Troilus curse the sun?

10. What is Criseyde's question and Troilus' response to same following his fainting spell?

(see the answer keys)

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