Troilus and Criseyde Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Troilus and Criseyde Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Criseyde tell Troilus has saddened her?
(a) His suicidal thoughts.
(b) His pain.
(c) His jealousy.
(d) His urgency.

2. What does Criseyde do when Troilus agrees to her conditions?
(a) She kisses him.
(b) She writes out a contract.
(c) She blushes and walks away.
(d) She embraces him.

3. How does Pandarus convince Criseyde to spend the night at his house?
(a) By stating that he is lonely.
(b) By stating thatTroilus will be there soon.
(c) By stating that his servant is ill.
(d) By stating that the weather is not suitable for travel.

4. What does Criseyde do when she sees Troilus for the first time after hearing about the trade?
(a) Cries out.
(b) All of the answer choices are correct.
(c) Faints.
(d) Kisses him.

5. What is Pandarus' first idea to protect his niece?
(a) To disguise her as someone else.
(b) To marry her to Troilus.
(c) To change her name.
(d) To have Troilus run away with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Troilus spend his nights doing after the dinner with Criseyde?

2. What does Criseyde offer to send to Troilus when she hears the false rumor that Pandarus has made up?

3. Troilus states that Pandarus has never been successful with which of the following?

4. Who is excited about the prisoner trade?

5. What does Troilus tell Criseyde that he wants from her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Criseyde say to Troilus as she leaves him for the trade?

2. How does Pandarus try to cheer up Troilus upon first learning of the pending trade?

3. How does Criseyde feel about her father, and why?

4. What happens when Troilus and Criseyde meet before the trade takes place?

5. How does Pandarus get Criseyde to spend the night at his house?

6. What was Criseyde's first plan to thwart the trade of herself to the Greeks?

7. What is the focus of the long speech that Troilus delivers to Pandarus?

8. What did Criseyde say that she would have done had Troilus really killed himself?

9. Why does Pandarus begin to feel shameful about his actions?

10. What does Chaucer ask for guidance with in Book III?

(see the answer keys)

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