Tristan (by Thomas Mann) Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tristan (by Thomas Mann) Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Mr. Kloterjahn's son described in Chapter 9?
(a) Waif-like.
(b) Sleepy.
(c) Adorable.
(d) Healthy.

2. On what point does Mr. Kloterjahn agree with Mr. Spinell in Chapter 11?
(a) That Mr. Spinell understands Gabriele.
(b) That Mr. Kloterjahn is the stronger of the two men.
(c) That Mr. Kloterjahn is a philistine.
(d) That Gabriele is a romantic figure.

3. What does Mr. Spinell say he can picture on Gabriele’s head?
(a) A crown of flowers.
(b) A small golden crown.
(c) Her hair in ringlets.
(d) A tiara.

4. How does Mr. Spinell confess that he feels about Mr. Kloterjahn and his son?
(a) He hates them but does not despise them.
(b) He loves them.
(c) He is indifferent to them.
(d) He despises them.

5. What is Mr. Spinell doing in his room in Chapter 10?
(a) Writing a new novel.
(b) Singing.
(c) Writing a letter.
(d) Talking to himself.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Mr. Spinell, what affect did Mr. Kloterjahn have on the scene described in his letter?

2. What is Mr. Spinell doing in the scene he describes in his letter?

3. What does Mr. Spinell say are his weapons?

4. Where do the people who choose not to participate in the activity Dr. Leander plans go instead?

5. What instrument does Gabriele’s father play?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Dr. Muller recommend in Chapter 9?

2. Why do Mrs. Kloterjahn and Mr. Spinell choose to stay back from the sleigh ride?

3. According to Mr. Klotejahn in Chapter 11, what were Gabriele and her friends really doing in the garden by the fountain?

4. What has Mr. Kloterjahn supposedly done to Gabriele, according to Mr. Spinell's letter in Chapter 10?

5. Why does Mr. Spinell mail the letter as opposed to hand-delivering it?

6. How does Mr. Kloterjahn react differently to women than Mr. Spinell?

7. What has caused Gabriele’s condition to worsen in Chapter 9?

8. Why does Dr. Leander transfer Gabriele’s case to Dr. Muller?

9. How much of the music that Mr. Spinell found in Chapter 8 does Mrs. Kloterjahn play?

10. Why does Mr. Spinell find the scene of Gabriele and her friends in the garden so beautiful?

(see the answer keys)

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