Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of permit do the firemen tell Wittman he should have?
(a) A firearms permit
(b) An ethnic permit
(c) A fireworks permit
(d) A theater permit

2. Who has Wittman cast Lance and the Yale Younger Poet as?
(a) The Poet Brothers
(b) The Dillinger Twins
(c) The Double Boys
(d) The Smoking Twins

3. What is Popo walking without?
(a) Her shoes
(b) Her pants
(c) Her cane
(d) Her zimmer frame

4. Where do Wittman and Tasa have their wedding breakfast?
(a) The Castle of Dukes
(b) The Blacklight Theater
(c) The Palace of Fine Arts
(d) The Museum of Fine Arts

5. What does Sung Chiang mean?
(a) Timely Rain
(b) Colliding Planet
(c) Angry Cow
(d) Hungry Horse

6. What does Wittman ask his mother and her friends to do?
(a) Arrange a party for Popo
(b) Lend him some money
(c) Perform at his show
(d) Teach him some dance moves

7. Where is the town that the monk confronts?
(a) Britain
(b) California
(c) China
(d) New York

8. What kind of names do the women in the play have their names translated to?
(a) Japanese names
(b) German names
(c) Russian names
(d) American names

9. Where does Wittman's mother live?
(a) Rushmore
(b) Sacramento
(c) Berkeley
(d) Beverly Hills

10. Complete the following quote "for richer, for poorer, forsaking..."
(a) All others
(b) My country
(c) Myself
(d) My family

11. How does Wittman persuade his mother to dance at his show?
(a) He tells her how good she is
(b) He offers them free alcohol
(c) He says they can't dance well
(d) He offers them a percentage of the sales

12. Who brings Siew Loong with him?
(a) The Yale Younger Poet
(b) Charles
(c) Lance
(d) Zeppelin

13. What does Zeppelin live in?
(a) A shack
(b) A camper
(c) A wood shed
(d) A tent

14. What is Wittman's story in the tradition of?
(a) The Greek Couple
(b) The Star Crossed Lovers
(c) The Tragic Lovers
(d) The Heroic Couple

15. Who does WIttman have to find?
(a) Zeppelin
(b) Ruby
(c) Popo
(d) Tasa

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of the Lone Ranger's faithful sidekick?

2. What kind of monk is the star of Wittman's play?

3. Which of the following characters does Wittman not call to rehearsals?

4. What does Wittman give Tasa for a wedding present?

5. What Chinese year was Wittman born in?

(see the answer keys)

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