Trick Mirror Test | Final Test - Easy

Jia Tolentino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trick Mirror Test | Final Test - Easy

Jia Tolentino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What term does Tolentino use to describe the size of the congregation at her childhood church?
(a) Sizable.
(b) Enormous.
(c) Big.
(d) Moderate.

2. Which literary hero does Tolentino utilize in order to discuss the recognition of three certain aspects of life?
(a) Ulysses.
(b) Dante.
(c) Hercules.
(d) Agamemnon.

3. How many people in the world are wealthier than Mark Zuckerberg, according to Tolentino?
(a) 3.
(b) 7.
(c) 6.
(d) 9.

4. While Tolentino was still in college, Liz Seccuro brought charges against a group of men she accused of committing what crime?
(a) Arson.
(b) Fraud.
(c) Rape.
(d) Assault.

5. Which emotion did Tolentino feel most strongly during the interaction about the Power Rangers?
(a) Confusion.
(b) Anger.
(c) Sadness.
(d) Shame.

6. What term does Tolentino use to describe the salaries of college faculty in America during the twenty-first century?
(a) Stagnant.
(b) Falling.
(c) Rising.
(d) Soaring.

7. In which American city did Tolentino grow up?
(a) Houston.
(b) San Antonio.
(c) Phoenix.
(d) Santa Fe.

8. Tolentino comments on Erdely's mistakes by stating that which kind of intentions "often produce blind spots" (208)?
(a) Good.
(b) Unwitting.
(c) Sincere.
(d) Earnest.

9. Videos of what sorry excuse for food went viral in connection with the Fyre Festival?
(a) Broccoli.
(b) Sandwiches.
(c) Carrot-raisin salad.
(d) Ramen.

10. At what age did Tolentino enter first grade?
(a) 4.
(b) 7.
(c) 5.
(d) 6.

11. Tolentino states in "Pure Heroines" that if one were to view womanhood entirely through the lens of literature, childhood would look like what?
(a) Innocence.
(b) Power.
(c) Judgment.
(d) Fun.

12. Tolentino's friend had insisted that Tolentino could never play which color of Power Ranger in their game?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Pink.
(c) Orange.
(d) Blue.

13. In what level of school was Tolentino when her friend insisted that she had to be a certain color of Power Ranger?
(a) High.
(b) Kindergarten.
(c) Middle.
(d) Elementary.

14. What is the first name of the writer with the last name Arendt, whose work is referenced within "Pure Heroines"?
(a) Hannah.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Margaret.
(d) Lisa.

15. Tolentino states that in adult fiction, which element almost always "comes first" (98) in a female protagonist's plot arc?
(a) Trauma.
(b) Materialism.
(c) Selflessness.
(d) Self-doubt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the first name of the woman who accused members of the fraternity Phi Kappa Psi of rape?

2. In what city does the novel The Bell Jar take place?

3. At the start of the essay entitled "Ecstasy," Tolentino recalls that the church of her childhood had trees of what variety on its property?

4. Which action taken by a particular hero is considered evidence by Tolentino that he has come to certain realizations?

5. In what month of the year was the disastrous Fyre Festival held?

(see the answer keys)

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