Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How old is Williams?
2. Who will be present at the meeting?
3. What is the name of Irene's church?
4. Williams is waiting at which airport?
5. Carpathia is elected to which office?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Williams do to try and get out of the overcrowded airport? Where does Williams want to go?
2. Williams makes jokes to Plank about Carpathia. What does Williams say? How does Plank react?
3. Barnes spends a great deal of time teaching Williams about what subject? How does Williams react?
4. What phone messages are received by Williams? What is Williams' reaction? Why?
5. Who is Hattie Durham? How is the woman described?
6. What interesting information does Chloe relay to Steele?
7. Why is Hattie so eager to see Williams? What is Williams' reaction to Hattie's request?
8. What is learned about Carpathia's new job? What is Carpathia's reaction? What really happens?
9. What major event did Irene try to explain to Steele without much success?
10. Explain the purpose of Carpathia's speech at the United Nations? Where is the speech broadcast?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Chaim Rosenzweig created a revolutionary fertilization and irrigation method known as the Eden project. Do you think such a project is possible? If so, who might create it? How would it change the global dynamic? Do you think Rosenzweig is really in danger because of the success of the project? Discuss how it would alter the infrastructure and economic present of the countries in the Middle East.
Essay Topic 2
Much credence is placed in the two main religious texts in the story. What are the texts? What do they have to say about Carpathia and men of that sort? Compare and contrast the writings in the text. Are there other religious or historical texts that make the same claim?
Essay Topic 3
Hattie becomes a valuable member of the Tribulation Force through her knowledge in various areas as well as her new conversion. Explain why Hattie's various types of training will be important in working with the Force. How might the training put Hattie in danger? Will Hattie's new found faith help or hinder her actions? How will Hattie's relationships with the members of the TF change?
This section contains 734 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |