The Tree of Red Stars Test | Final Test - Medium

Tessa Bridal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tree of Red Stars Test | Final Test - Medium

Tessa Bridal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marco look forward to?
(a) Marrying his girlfriend.
(b) Watching Magda marry Jaime.
(c) Visiting America.
(d) Magda's return to Uruguay.

2. What evidence does Magda come across that supports what she overheard from her employer?
(a) A dead body.
(b) False confessions.
(c) Photos from torture sessions.
(d) Torture equipment.

3. What does Magda admit to Marco in Chapter 19?
(a) Her guilt over Jaime's death.
(b) Her connections with the Tupas.
(c) Her love for him.
(d) Her hatred for her family.

4. What challenge is thrown when Jaime insults the officer?
(a) A verbal fight.
(b) A fist fight.
(c) A duel.
(d) A race.

5. What classes does Magda take at university?
(a) Business and land management.
(b) Pre-medical studies.
(c) Pre-law studies.
(d) Acting.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who requests Magda's services within the USIS?

2. What happens to Dan Mitrione at the beginning of Chapter 18?

3. What does Magda do with the blood and sweat that creeps into her cell?

4. What occurs between Magda and Jaime at the dance?

5. What is Cora's fate at the end of the book?

(see the answer keys)

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