The Tree of Red Stars Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tessa Bridal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tree of Red Stars Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tessa Bridal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does the woman in Chapter 6 go to visit?
(a) Senora Rita.
(b) Senora Francisca.
(c) Josefa.
(d) Lilita.

2. What present does Magda bring Gabriela?
(a) A sculpture of the river.
(b) A bouquet of paper flowers.
(c) Clay plates.
(d) A painting.

3. What did the families of Magda's grandparents attempt?
(a) They tried to keep Magda's grandparents apart.
(b) They tried to force her grandparents into marriage.
(c) They tried to enlist her grandfather in the army.
(d) They tried to send Mamacita out of the country.

4. How is the woman who comes to the barrio dressed?
(a) She is wearing next to nothing.
(b) In foreign clothing.
(c) In rags.
(d) In elegant, expensive clothing.

5. What does Magda do when she hears Josefa's stories?
(a) She writes them down.
(b) She falls asleep.
(c) She ignores her.
(d) She has nightmares.

6. Whom do Magda and Emilia stop to help during the riot?
(a) Marco.
(b) Cora.
(c) Lilita.
(d) Che.

7. What does Magda notice at the end of Chapter 3?
(a) The fields are rotting.
(b) The laborers are singing.
(c) The first fully-bloomed poinsettia.
(d) The clouds are darkening.

8. Why does Emilia agree to go to the speech?
(a) She wants to spend time with Marco.
(b) She wants to keep an eye on Magda.
(c) She wants to see if her mother is being honest about her part in Che's visit.
(d) She has a crush on Che.

9. What is the name of the zoo animal that Magda and her classmates watch being born?
(a) Titus.
(b) Chavo.
(c) Bassiano.
(d) Tomasito.

10. What historical event happens two months prior to the Uruguayan students' arrival?
(a) The assassination of John Lennon.
(b) The assassination of Bobby Kennedy.
(c) The assassination of John Kennedy.
(d) The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

11. Why is Magda unsure of her trip to the United States?
(a) She is afraid that Americans will make fun of her accent.
(b) She has not had any good experiences with Americans.
(c) She is afraid she will not be able to return to Uruguay.
(d) Her aunts did not portray the country very well.

12. What is still haunting Magda?
(a) Cora's wounds.
(b) The person being shot at the speech.
(c) The riot.
(d) The police officer's sexual assault.

13. What "makes brothers and sisters of all who drink it?"
(a) Leche.
(b) Mate.
(c) Cerveza.
(d) Agua.

14. What will Cora do to indicate to Magda and Emilia that it's OK for them to come over?
(a) She will signal from her window.
(b) She will send her maid over to Magda.
(c) She will light a candle in the window.
(d) She will throw small rocks at Magda's window.

15. What does Senor Ruben wear to work everyday?
(a) A police officer's uniform.
(b) A suit.
(c) A military uniform.
(d) A trench coat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What literary work is referenced in the description of Cora's house?

2. Where do Magda and Emilia go to feel safe?

3. With whom does Marco march on the Cerro?

4. Why did the woman come to see Senora Francisca?

5. What do Emilia and Magda naively collect from the river?

(see the answer keys)

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