Treasure Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Treasure Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Topiltzin and Yazid's real names?
(a) Paul and Robert respectively
(b) Robert and Peter respectively
(c) Robert and Paul respectively
(d) Paul and Richard respectively

2. What is the plan if the leaders don't turn up?
(a) Write off Egypt and invade Mexico
(b) Kill both Yazid and Topiltzin
(c) Send a search party for their bodies
(d) Write off Mexico and invade Egypt

3. What does Pitt believe the hijacker of the Lady Flamborough is aware of?
(a) That he is running out of options
(b) That he is desperate
(c) The fact that they can see him via satellite
(d) That everyone on the continent is looking for them

4. Who was Clayton Findley?
(a) A geological surveyor
(b) One of Hollis' men
(c) A friend of Senator Pitt, and advisor to the President
(d) One of the Sounder's scientists and someone who knew the island

5. What is under the seat of the Cord?
(a) A magnum
(b) A Smith and Wesson
(c) A socket wrench
(d) A liter of oil

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the names of Topiltzin and Yazid's younger brother and sister?

2. Who did the crew of the Lady Flamborough think was about to come aboard and inspect the ship?

3. What was Hala's first concern for?

4. How many days does Schiller have to come up with a precise location of the treasures of Alexandria?

5. What is bothering President Hasan physically?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did the Capesterres start up their crime family?

2. How does Ammar feel about the people at the table?

3. When is the first time Pitt has been wrong in this book?

4. What happens when Ammar pushes the button for the detonation?

5. Who admires Giordino and why?

6. What is the President of the USA requesting of Senator Pitt? What is something he adds that he would normally not do?

7. Why does Hala change her mind and decide to announce the immanent discovery of the antiquities?

8. What changes did Ammar undergo to look the part of Captain Collins?

9. What was interesting about the cargo that was loaded onto the Lady Flamborough to the person that loaded it?

10. Where is the best location for the scrolls to be if they are to maintain their cohesion and readability? Where is the worst?

(see the answer keys)

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