Treasure Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Treasure Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What fear do Severus and Junius have in returning home?
(a) They lied to the Emperor
(b) They stole information of the ages
(c) They disobeyed the Emperor, he will have their heads
(d) They committed an act of treason against Rome

2. Who did Lily say she was?
(a) Arctic Catering
(b) Iceland Catering
(c) Greenland Catering
(d) Snow Blows

3. How many barrels of oil do geologists claim may be under Israel alone?
(a) Six hundred thousand
(b) Seven hundred million
(c) Two hundred thousand
(d) Five hundred million

4. What was Dale Nichols clipping from papers?
(a) Articles about the discoveries of the Arctic Explorer
(b) Articles on Topiltzin
(c) Articles about foreign powers in Egypt
(d) Articles regarding Aztec principles and beliefs

5. What is Ammar's wealth estimated at?
(a) Sixty million dollars
(b) Over a billion dollars
(c) Seventy five million dollars
(d) Seventy million dollars

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Nichols summoned?

2. Who did Pitt see through the window?

3. What could have this place been mistaken for?

4. Who has Yazid handed the contract killing of Kamil to?

5. What was the best training Senator George Pitt had for running for Senate?

Short Essay Questions

1. What things did Rivas say the President of the USA wanted with him?

2. Once they have rescued both the archaeologists and the survivors of the crash, what does Dirk turn his attention to?

3. Why aren't the Soviets aware of the salvage operation?

4. How was Rivas traced to Nichols?

5. How did Redfern feel about being yanked from his work?

6. What identifying characteristics would an early merchant vessel have that would be identifiable to Dirk?

7. What was the steward of Flight 106 attempting to do and why?

8. Why might the tablets suit any known geographical location?

9. What was the secret purpose of the Thursday night poker game?

10. What did Lily say in regards to Redfern?

(see the answer keys)

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