Treason's Harbour Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Treason's Harbour Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what does the Surprise escape?
(a) Destrution by a collision with the Pollux.
(b) Capture or damage by a Frence man-of-war near Zambara Bay.
(c) A severe hurricane.
(d) Capture by an American frigate.

2. When does Aubrey set a course for with the Surprise?
(a) The area near Brest.
(b) Lisbon.
(c) Snata Maura.
(d) The area near Normandy.

3. Why does the boat not make good progress up the Gulf of Suez?
(a) Poor seamanship.
(b) Bad rainstorms.
(c) Unfavorable winds.
(d) No wind.

4. What is the most disturbing part of not obtaining the treasure?
(a) The real treasure galley got away.
(b) The Admiral has no funds now to pay the men.
(c) The French has financing for more ships.
(d) That it implies ineptness in British intelligence or a traitor in intelligence.

5. About what is the Admiral disappointed?
(a) That Aubrey lost all their supplies to the desert marauders.
(b) That Maturin loses his diving bell.
(c) There being no treasure.
(d) That Aubrey is unable to secure an agreement with the French.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is visibility in the squalls?

2. What does Wray agree to in order to cancel his debt?

3. What does Mr. Fielding tell Maturin?

4. Who is Aubrey ordered to seek out and protect?

5. What does Aubrey decide to start on the voyage with Surprise?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Mr. Fielding falsely believe about Aubrey and how does that influence Mr. Fielding's choices?

2. What are Maturin and Martin not affected by the weather as much?

3. What are conditions like for the men on board the Niobe?

4. What happens to the crew's supplies?

5. Who are Mr. Honey and Mr. Maitland and how does Aubrey help them?

6. How do the men survive the remainder of their desert trek and in what kind of shape are they in at the end of their march?

7. What seems to demonstrate that Aubrey's failure to gain the treasure will not be held against him?

8. How does the crew fare on their hike and who is the exception?

9. Describe the encounter with the French man-of-war.

10. What concerns the men when they arrive at the fort, but what happens in the end?

(see the answer keys)

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