Treason's Harbour Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Treason's Harbour Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Major Pollock?
(a) The Admiral's aide de camp.
(b) An Army major who is retiring from the service.
(c) A spy for France.
(d) A man whose brother is given command of the Blackwater.

2. What causes the crew discomfort?
(a) Sunburns.
(b) The constant sand-laden winds.
(c) Bad water.
(d) The lack of privacy on such a small ship.

3. Who is Aubrey ordered to seek out and protect?
(a) Admiral Leighton.
(b) T.S. Eliot.
(c) John Breamer.
(d) Mr. Consul Eliot.

4. What is aboard the Surprise specifically for Maturin?
(a) A deep freeze container for his specimens.
(b) The new diving bell Aubrey gives him.
(c) A barrel of pickling solution.
(d) A cabin specially equipped for his scientific pursuits.

5. What does Maturin suspect about Mr. Fielding?
(a) That he was never captured.
(b) That he is the traitor.
(c) That he is dead and his letters are forged.
(d) That he has already escaped prison.

6. Who is Boulay?
(a) An English poet.
(b) The captain of the Marsailles.
(c) A man from Sir Hildebrand's administration.
(d) A Frenchman who hates Napoleon.

7. Why does Aubrey give chase to a galley ship they encounter?
(a) It matches treasure ship's description.
(b) It turned to run which made it suspicious.
(c) It is flying American colours.
(d) It is flying French colours.

8. Who seems to take to the desert trek?
(a) No one.
(b) Maturin.
(c) Martin.
(d) Aubrey.

9. What does Mr. Hairabedian do?
(a) Kills a crew member.
(b) Asks Maturin for some laudenum.
(c) Jumps into the ocean for a swim.
(d) Asks Aubrey to set him ashore immediately.

10. What does the First Secretary promise Aubrey?
(a) Command of the Blackwater.
(b) Command of the Essex.
(c) Command of the Shannon.
(d) Command of the Leopard.

11. What ends after Aubrey and his men are shipboard?
(a) Their good morale.
(b) The sense of purpose.
(c) Their luck.
(d) Their good food.

12. How does Wray become indebted to Maturin?
(a) Maturin loans Wray money to send his wife who is pregnant.
(b) Maturin saves his arm when it becomes infected.
(c) Maturin saves his leg when it becomes infected.
(d) Losing at cards.

13. What concerns Aubrey the most about failing to gain the treasure?
(a) If it will affect his own career.
(b) He wanted some prize money to purchase a new ship.
(c) Getting paid.
(d) His reputation among his men.

14. What happens to the men's supplies?
(a) They are reduced by half.
(b) They are ruined.
(c) They are all stolen.
(d) Nothing.

15. What does the Surprise claim?
(a) The American vessel as a prize.
(b) The French frigate as a prize.
(c) The French privateer. vessel as a prize.
(d) The French merchant vessel as a prize.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aubrey know decreases the longer they are at sea?

2. What is the most disturbing part of not obtaining the treasure?

3. What surprises Maturin about Mr. Fielding?

4. What does Wray agree to in order to cancel his debt?

5. How is visibility in the squalls?

(see the answer keys)

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