Travesties Test | Final Test - Easy

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Travesties Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Carr imagine Cecily doing as she berates him at the end of this section?
(a) Jumping rope.
(b) Waltzing with him.
(c) Tearing up Lenin's manuscript.
(d) Stripping.

2. What leader does Lenin state that he particularly distrusts in this section?
(a) Wilson.
(b) Lloyd George.
(c) Grimm.
(d) Kerensky.

3. In 1917, who is about to join the Allies in the war?
(a) France.
(b) Russia.
(c) Britain.
(d) America.

4. What two countries does Carr tell Cecily are the same in this section?
(a) Russia and Germany.
(b) China and Mongolia.
(c) Albania and Montenegro.
(d) Bulgaria and Romania.

5. Who does Gwen leave to tell of her engagement to Tzara?
(a) Carr.
(b) Joyce.
(c) Bennett.
(d) Cecily.

6. What problematic attribute makes finding two Swedes for Lenin particularly difficult?
(a) They must speak Russian.
(b) They must be twins.
(c) They must have only one arm each.
(d) They must be deaf-mute.

7. What type of literature does Lenin denounce in a 1905 speech in this section?
(a) Decadent literature.
(b) Non-partisan literature.
(c) Pornographic literature.
(d) Bourgeois literature.

8. What new information does Cecily reveal about Bennett in this section?
(a) He is a spy.
(b) He has fled to Serbia.
(c) He is an amateur poet.
(d) He is a Bolshevik sympathizer.

9. From what type of dictionary does Tzara claim the word Dada was taken?
(a) Oxford.
(b) Webster.
(c) Larousse.
(d) Medical.

10. What name does Henry Carr use to describe his "brother Jack" to Cecily (47)?
(a) Lout.
(b) Booby.
(c) Saint.
(d) Prude.

11. According to Bennett in this section, what are the new odds against Lenin's success?
(a) 1,000 to 1.
(b) 10 to 1.
(c) 10,000 to 1.
(d) 100 to 1.

12. What is the first thing that Carr does when he meets Tzara in this section?
(a) He apologizes to him.
(b) He runs away from him.
(c) He dances with him.
(d) He punches him.

13. What Shakespearean lady has Carr played at Eton?
(a) Lady Macbeth.
(b) Rosalind.
(c) Goneril.
(d) Cleopatra.

14. What object does Lenin accidentally strike when he slams his fist on Cecily's desk?
(a) A manuscript.
(b) A bell.
(c) A top hat.
(d) A rabbit.

15. What movement is represented by the artist Mayakovsky in this section?
(a) Cubism.
(b) Futurism.
(c) Dadaism.
(d) Expressionism.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to a speech at the Zurich People's House in 1917, what does Lenin think his role will be in the major battles of the Russian Revolution?

2. According to Cecily, what is the sole purpose of art?

3. What composer's music reduces Lenin to tears int his section?

4. When did Cecily fall in love with Carr?

5. What affliction does Joyce confess to having at the beginning of this section?

(see the answer keys)

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