Travesties Test | Final Test - Easy

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Travesties Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many socialist ministers exist in West European governments in 1917?
(a) 25.
(b) 75.
(c) None.
(d) 10.

2. What food does Carr eat in this section as he tries to reason through his situation?
(a) Cucumber sandwiches.
(b) Tea-cakes,
(c) Muffins.
(d) Sardines.

3. In what year did Tristan Tzara die?
(a) 1950.
(b) 1963.
(c) 1982.
(d) 1933,

4. For what purpose does Carr propose that he and Cecily go to lunch?
(a) So she can reform him.
(b) So he can tell her the truth about Jack.
(c) So she can tell him about Lenin.
(d) So he can show her his Dada poetry.

5. When he finally explodes at Joyce, into what does Tzara say the writer has turned literature?
(a) A religion.
(b) A political tool.
(c) Trash.
(d) Nonsense.

6. According to Carr, why was Marx wrong in his assessment of capitalism?
(a) He was writing from a foriegn perspective.
(b) He was ill-educated.
(c) He has never invested in a major company.
(d) He was writing during the Industrial Revolution.

7. What does Joyce pull out of Tzara's hat before leaving the stage?
(a) His manuscript.
(b) A whole poem.
(c) Another hat.
(d) A rabbit.

8. At a meeting of Russian emigres in Zurich, though what country do the Russians discuss passing to return to their homeland?
(a) Poland.
(b) Sweden.
(c) Germany.
(d) Finland.

9. What name does Henry Carr use to describe his "brother Jack" to Cecily (47)?
(a) Prude.
(b) Booby.
(c) Lout.
(d) Saint.

10. What problematic attribute makes finding two Swedes for Lenin particularly difficult?
(a) They must be deaf-mute.
(b) They must have only one arm each.
(c) They must be twins.
(d) They must speak Russian.

11. Thinking that he is Tristan Tzara, how does Cecily characterize Henry Carr when they meet in Act 2?
(a) Brilliant and radical.
(b) Dark and mysterious.
(c) Decadent and nihilistic.
(d) Foolish and profligate.

12. In this section, Lenin proclaims that no freedom can be achieved in a society based on what?
(a) Lies.
(b) Slavery.
(c) Money.
(d) Mankind.

13. How much money does Joyce request of Carr after the play for tickets?
(a) 10 francs.
(b) 25 francs.
(c) 20 francs.
(d) 15 francs.

14. What profession does Lenin's attire suggest when he enters in Act 2?
(a) A porter.
(b) A banker.
(c) A doctor.
(d) A parson.

15. What two countries does Carr tell Cecily are the same in this section?
(a) Albania and Montenegro.
(b) China and Mongolia.
(c) Russia and Germany.
(d) Bulgaria and Romania.

Short Answer Questions

1. What new information does Cecily reveal about Bennett in this section?

2. How much money does Carr end up giving Joyce in this section?

3. Which of the following is not a title that Joyce attaches to Odysseus in this section?

4. To whom does Tzara credit the creation of Dada?

5. Which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta is not mentioned in the section?

(see the answer keys)

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