Travesties Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Travesties Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2, Part 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In this section, what action does Tzara publicly state he will never do again?
(a) Shake his brother's hand.
(b) Sculpt.
(c) Lie to Cecily or Lenin.
(d) Return to the Library.

2. Citing Karl Marx in this section, Bennett states that there is no way for a country to transition seamlessly from autocracy to what?
(a) Democracy.
(b) Concensus.
(c) Utopia.
(d) Socialism.

3. What does Carr wish to match in choosing a red cravat?
(a) His date's dress.
(b) His carnation.
(c) The union jack.
(d) His cumberbund.

4. In mocking Tzara's Dadaist pretensions in this section, what does Carr say the communist will have Tzara pissing?
(a) One color.
(b) Vinegar.
(c) Multicolored.
(d) Blood.

5. Who is the the Prime Minister of England in 1917?
(a) Chamberlain.
(b) Asquith.
(c) Churchill.
(d) Lloyd George.

Short Answer Questions

1. What problematic attribute makes finding two Swedes for Lenin particularly difficult?

2. How many bottles of champagne have gone missing under Bennett's watch?

3. What composer's music reduces Lenin to tears int his section?

4. To what country's system of government does Bennett compare the anticipate Russian state at the end of his explanation of Marxist?

5. Which of the following locations is not mentioned by Carr as he describes the horrors of the First World War?

(see the answer key)

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