Travels in Hyper Reality: Essays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Travels in Hyper Reality: Essays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Eco asserts that the Middle Ages were the beginning of several practices including modern armies, a national state, capitalistic economy, and what?
(a) The "sanitation era."
(b) The "need for convenience."
(c) The "technological transformation of labor".
(d) The "age of robots."

2. Eco compares cults to what, which he asserts have existed at least since the time of Christ?
(a) Religion.
(b) Dictators.
(c) Sports.
(d) Millenarian dynamics.

3. In what country did Che Guevara head a massive revolution?
(a) Argentina.
(b) Haiti.
(c) Jamaica.
(d) Cuba.

4. What fake aspect was built to house the Ringling Museum of Art?
(a) The Bellagio.
(b) The big top.
(c) Ripley's Museums.
(d) The Palazzo.

5. Eco asserts that nature is a victim of what by way of zoos and aquariums?
(a) Consumerism.
(b) Hyper reality.
(c) Entertainment.
(d) Animal cruelty.

Short Answer Questions

1. Eco asserts that America is a country that is fixated on realism, even to the point of obtaining "real" what?

2. Where was the first Six Flags established?

3. Where is Disneyland Park located?

4. What is the second of two categories Eco proposes that thoughts about God fall into in "The Sacred is Not Just a Fashion"?

5. In addition to the organized religions, Eco proposes that there is also what for those who have been somewhat on the margins of society?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Eco's metaphor for Superman in "The Sacred is Not Just a Fashion"?

2. What does Eco propose about superpowers in "Living in the New Middle Ages"?

3. What has the impact of hyper reality been on American society, according to Eco?

4. How does Eco describe some American cities in "City of Robots"?

5. What is described in "Whose Side are the Orixa on?" What are Eco's conclusions?

6. What does Eco describe in the beginning of "Striking at the Heart of the State"?

7. In what way does Eco use Superman as an analogy in Section I - Chapter 1? What is a "Fortress of Solitude"?

8. What is a "real hero" according to Eco in "Why are They Laughing in Those Cages?"

9. How does Eco relate to the robots of Disney? How does this affect patrons of theme parks?

10. What does Eco write of American realism in Section I - Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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