Travels in Hyper Reality: Essays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Travels in Hyper Reality: Essays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What refers to a series of wax museums found throughout the country that are famous for their attention to detail and for having some truly unique objects found nowhere else?
(a) Ripley's Museums.
(b) Natural History Museums.
(c) Hall's of Fame.
(d) Science Museums.

2. Eco proposes that tourists at Disney must have a certain passivity and behave as what in order to enjoy themselves?
(a) Wild animals.
(b) Robots.
(c) Children.
(d) Consumers.

3. What is the first realm of hyper reality discussed by Eco in "Travels in Hyper Reality"?
(a) Religion.
(b) Nature.
(c) Sports and arenas.
(d) Art and museums.

4. Eco compares cults to what, which he asserts have existed at least since the time of Christ?
(a) Religion.
(b) Sports.
(c) Millenarian dynamics.
(d) Dictators.

5. What does Eco define as the fear of open or white space that is remedied by filling an entire piece of art with excessive detail in a neurotic fashion?
(a) Horror vacui.
(b) Particle overload.
(c) Brush mania.
(d) Psychopainthic.

Short Answer Questions

1. Eco asserts that the Middle Ages were the beginning of several practices including modern armies, a national state, capitalistic economy, and what?

2. Eco asserts that America is a country that is fixated on realism, even to the point of obtaining "real" what?

3. Eco suggests that what implies having the conversation that compares the coding at the receiver with the coding at the source?

4. Where is Umberto Eco from?

5. Eco proposes that all use of hyper reality is an attempt to create a monument or a permanent structure that will allow for what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Eco discuss the J. Paul Getty Museum? Where is it located?

2. How does Eco relate to the robots of Disney? How does this affect patrons of theme parks?

3. What is Eco's principle argument in "Living in the New Middle Ages"?

4. What does Eco write of the authenticity of the Ringling Museum of Art? Where is it located?

5. How does Eco compare universities to monasteries in "Living in the New Middle Ages"?

6. What practices arose during medieval times which Eco asserts are with us today?

7. What philosophies does Eco describe in "Towards a Semiological Guerrilla Warfare"? What are his conclusions?

8. What "ideologies of progress" does Eco describe in "The Sacred is Not Just a Fashion"?

9. What is the result of a multinational arrangement, according to Eco in "Striking at the Heart of the State"?

10. What does Eco describe in the beginning of "Striking at the Heart of the State"?

(see the answer keys)

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