Trash Test | Final Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trash Test | Final Test - Easy

Andy Mulligan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What natural phenomenon has been rumored to arrive in the area as Gardo and Olivia are traveling to Colva Prison
(a) A typhoon.
(b) A tsunami.
(c) A tornado.
(d) A cyclone.

2. Instead of the cells she expects at Colva Prison, what does Olivia say is in the prison instead?
(a) Rooms.
(b) Hallways.
(c) Cages.
(d) Patios.

3. In what type of vehicle do Gardo and Olivia travel to Colva Prison?
(a) Tuk-tuk.
(b) Bus.
(c) Trolley.
(d) Taxi.

4. For what purpose does Senator Zapanta order police to clear squatter camps?
(a) To make way for a mall he wants to build.
(b) To make way for a rock quarry he wants to build.
(c) To make way for an amusement park he wants to build.
(d) To make way for a restaurant he wants to build.

5. When Olivia asks Gardo what all of the prisoners have done to get locked up in Colva Prison, what crime does he tell her most of them have committed, besides fighting?
(a) Lying.
(b) Theft.
(c) Murder.
(d) Being in poverty.

6. In what neighborhood does Senator Zapanta live?
(a) McKinley.
(b) Green Hills.
(c) Aquierro.
(d) Behala.

7. How many visits does Rat say the prisoners in Colva Prison get per month?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 6.

8. What does Raphael say makes the Navaro Graveyard distinctive among the city's other graveyards?
(a) It is the smallest of the city's cemeteries.
(b) It is so big that rich and poor alike are buried there.
(c) It has the cheapest burial services.
(d) It has the greatest number of trees.

9. What method of payment does Olivia use to pay for Gardo's new clothes?
(a) A check.
(b) Pesos.
(c) American dollars.
(d) A credit card.

10. What is unusual about the second time Jose Angelico uses Frederico Gonz's services?
(a) He wants the bill for the job to contain no personal information.
(b) He needs the job done in a rush.
(c) He needs the product delivered.
(d) He orders complete secrecy about the job.

11. What color does Rat use to describe the influx of police that lead the boys to flee from Behala at the start of Part Four?
(a) Red.
(b) White.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Blue.

12. When Olivia feels like she is about to faint in Colva Prison, what does she do that makes her feel better?
(a) She drinks water.
(b) She takes a few deep breaths.
(c) She stands in front of a fan.
(d) She lies down.

13. When Olivia meets Gabriel Olondriz in Colva Prison, she says that he is not just weak, but he is what?
(a) Starving.
(b) Dying.
(c) Wasting away.
(d) Barely alive.

14. For how long does Senator Zapanta inhabit the role of vice-president?
(a) 6 months.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 8 years.
(d) 4 years.

15. Where does Jose Angelico die?
(a) In the train station.
(b) In a taxi.
(c) In the woods.
(d) In a police station.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rat say that Raphael does every night when the boys are hiding in their little room above the laundry?

2. When Rat and Gardo come to ask Olivia to accompany them to Colva Prison, what other purpose is she at first positive that they have in mind?

3. What do the boys figure out the slash in the code means?

4. How long do the boys spend thinking about how to get the bribe required to pay Marco for his procurement of the Bible?

5. How does Rat create an emergency exit inside the boys' tiny room above the laundry?

(see the answer keys)

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