Trapped Test | Final Test - Medium

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trapped Test | Final Test - Medium

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Nine: "Rescue Plans," what is the main disadvantage of the raise bore method in this rescue operation?
(a) It is an untested and risky drilling technique.
(b) It cannot be transported to the mine site.
(c) It is too slow to reach the miners quickly.
(d) It relies on drilling from the bottom up.

2. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what signals the miners' presence to the surface when the drill bit hits an empty space?
(a) A flare.
(b) Tapping on the drill bit.
(c) A loud alarm.
(d) A radio transmission.

3. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what does the escalating tension at the mine site foreshadow?
(a) A successful rescue.
(b) An impending crisis.
(c) A peaceful resolution.
(d) Improved communication.

4. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," why do the miners limit themselves to one bite every three days?
(a) To prevent indigestion.
(b) To maintain their strength.
(c) To savor the flavor.
(d) To conserve their meager rations.

5. In Chapter Nine: "Rescue Plans," what is the primary purpose of Dr. Holland's visit to the mine?
(a) To assess the stability of the mine's structure.
(b) To design an escape capsule for the miners.
(c) To address the psychological needs of the miners and their families.
(d) To provide medical care to the miners.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Eight: "Camp Hope," what is the main goal of sending vitamins and vaccines down to the miners?

2. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what happens when the Schramm T685 drill hits a large airspace?

3. In Chapter Eight: "Camp Hope," how does the chapter describe the impact of the rescue effort on the miners' relationships with their families?

4. In Chapter Eight: "Camp Hope," what do the miners vow to do in terms of their relationships with their families?

5. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what does the tapping on the drill bit become for the trapped miners?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what emotional state are the families of the miners in, and what are they frustrated and angry about?

2. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what taboo word do the miners refuse to mention, and why is it significant?

3. In Chapter Ten: "Abnormal-Normal," how does Dr. Mike Duncan, the leader of the NASA team, communicate with the miners despite language barriers?

4. In Chapter Eight: "Camp Hope," what steps are taken to ensure the miners' physical health does not deteriorate further while they are trapped?

5. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," how do the miners communicate with the surface when the drill bit hits an empty space?

6. In Chapter Ten: "Abnormal-Normal," how do the miners adapt to their underground life, and what role does a simulated day-night cycle play in their routine?

7. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," how do the miners' families above ground react as they receive the message of the miners' safety?

8. in Chapter Nine: "Rescue Plans," what expertise does NASA bring to the rescue efforts, and why is their involvement sought?

9. In Chapter Ten: "Abnormal-Normal," describe Edison Peña's transformation during his time underground.

10. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what breakthrough occurs with the drilling process, and how do the miners signal their presence to the surface?

(see the answer keys)

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