Trapped Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trapped Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part One: Copiapo, Chile: Above and Below August 5–22, 2010: Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what signals the miners' presence to the surface when the drill bit hits an empty space?
(a) A loud alarm.
(b) Tapping on the drill bit.
(c) A radio transmission.
(d) A flare.

2. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what does Kelvin Brown's advanced drill bit use to navigate through the rock layers?
(a) Diamond chips.
(b) Steam power.
(c) Nuclear energy.
(d) Hydraulic pressure.

3. In Chapter Six: August 10-21: “Drilling Blind,” what is the primary challenge faced by Kelvin Brown when drilling to reach the miners?
(a) Resistance from the miners.
(b) A lack of drilling expertise.
(c) A lack of drilling equipment.
(d) Inaccurate maps and maps that have not been updated.

4. In Chapter One: "August 5-6," how does the world respond to the events in the San José Mine?
(a) There is no international response.
(b) Only the local community show interest.
(c) The incident is quickly forgotten.
(d) People from various fields and experts from different backgrounds become involved.

5. In Chapter Seven: "August 21–22: Human Gold," what element of figurative language is used to describe the miners' situation in the chapter?
(a) Simile.
(b) Personification.
(c) Metaphor.
(d) Hyperbole.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Two: "Of Earth and Cold," how does the lack of rivers taking soil out to sea along the Pacific coast affect the interaction between the Nazca Plate and the continent?

2. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” what is the primary goal the miners work toward together during their ordeal?

3. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” what is the significance of the El Teniente experts, Andre Sougarret and René Aguilar?

4. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” what emotions fluctuate among the miners as they grapple with their predicament?

5. In Chapter Three: "The Men of Hephaistos," why does the San José Mine reopen in 2008 after being shut down in 2007?

(see the answer key)

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