Trapped Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trapped Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Marc Aronson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part One: Copiapo, Chile: Above and Below August 5–22, 2010: Chapter Four: "August 5–8: Murderers" - Chapter Six: "August 10–21: Drilling Blind".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Five: August 8–10: “Hope,” who promises that the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria will remain at the mine site during the rescue?
(a) Bishop Caspar Quintana.
(b) Marcelo Leiva.
(c) The President.
(d) Carlos Parra Diaz.

2. In Chapter One: "August 5-6," how does the world respond to the events in the San José Mine?
(a) There is no international response.
(b) People from various fields and experts from different backgrounds become involved.
(c) The incident is quickly forgotten.
(d) Only the local community show interest.

3. In Chapter Three: "The Men of Hephaistos," why does the San José Mine reopen in 2008 after being shut down in 2007?
(a) Miners protest for better working conditions.
(b) Copper prices rise, making mining profitable again.
(c) The mine undergoes extensive renovations.
(d) A significant copper deposit is discovered.

4. In Chapter Two: "Of Earth and Cold," what role does gravity play in mining operations?
(a) It is responsible for cave-ins in mines.
(b) It allows miners to extract minerals easily.
(c) It has no impact on mining.
(d) Miners use gravity to their advantage when creating mineral piles.

5. In Chapter Six: August 10-21: “Drilling Blind,” what significant event in history is mentioned as a potential comparison to the miners' situation, although it is not openly discussed?
(a) The survival of stranded airplane passengers in the Andes.
(b) The rescue of miners in Bolivia.
(c) The sinking of the Titanic.
(d) The 2010 earthquake in Chile.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Three: "The Men of Hephaistos," what ancient metalworking material us crucial in creating the Bronze Age?

2. In Chapter Three: "The Men of Hephaistos," on average, how much copper does the average American use annually, and how much of it is typically recycled?

3. In Chapter Two: "Of Earth and Cold," what impact did the Himalayas have on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?

4. In Chapter Two: "Of Earth and Cold," which geological feature along the Pacific coast of South America resulted from the collision of the Nazca Plate against the continent?

5. In Chapter Four: August 5–8: “Murderers,” what is the main concern of the rescue crew upon returning from the mine?

(see the answer key)

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