Translations Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Translations Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jimmy reads, "Ulysses went forth through the harbour and through the woodland to the place where Athene had shown him he could find the good" what?
(a) Shepherd.
(b) Magician.
(c) Swineheard.
(d) Warrior.

2. Owen tells Yolland that his father always speaks of "an expedito" with how many points in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Four.

3. What language does Hugh speak in as he descends the stairs in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) Latin.
(b) Irish.
(c) English.
(d) Greek.

4. What does Owen say is the Irish word for "bottom" in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) Croc.
(b) Bairn.
(c) Nair.
(d) Bun.

5. Where is the new national school being built in the play?
(a) Loch an Iubhar.
(b) Poll na gCaorach.
(c) Carraig an Phoill.
(d) Cnoc na nGabhar.

6. At what pub does Sarah tell Manus that Hugh is in Act 1?
(a) Gracie's.
(b) McDonnelley's.
(c) Anna na mBreag's.
(d) Con Connie Tim's.

7. Who does Jimmy compare to a goddess in Act 1?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Maria.
(c) Grania.
(d) Emily.

8. What does Hugh send Manus out to get for him at his arrival in Act 1?
(a) Poteen.
(b) Milk.
(c) Water.
(d) Tea.

9. Yolland claims in Act 2, Scene 1 that his father was born the very day that what fell?
(a) The British Empire.
(b) Ireland.
(c) Bastille.
(d) The American forces.

10. Who does Yolland say reminds him of his father?
(a) Jimmy.
(b) Lancey.
(c) Hugh.
(d) Owen.

11. What does Doalty say that Jimmy knows the first book of by heart in Act 1?
(a) Plato's Cave.
(b) The Odyssey.
(c) The Bible.
(d) Satires.

12. What did Manus' father attend that afternoon in Act 1?
(a) A funeral.
(b) A wedding.
(c) A christening.
(d) A wake.

13. Who is teaching Sarah to speak at the beginning of Act 1?
(a) Yolland.
(b) Hugh.
(c) Owen.
(d) Manus.

14. What is going mad from the heat in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) The shepherds.
(b) The chickens.
(c) The cattle.
(d) The sheep.

15. Of what female does Jimmy speak to Manus from his reading in Act 1?
(a) Athene.
(b) Gertrude.
(c) Lady Macbeth.
(d) Electra.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Doalty carrying when he enters in Act 1?

2. How much money does Hugh ask Owen to borrow in Act 2, Scene 1?

3. When does Maire say her passage money for America came?

4. In what year does Yolland say his father was born in Act 2, Scene 1?

5. Hugh states that the parish priest in a worthy man but barely what in Act 2, Scene 1?

(see the answer keys)

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