Trainspotting Test | Final Test - Hard

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Trainspotting Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of this chapter, what does Renton beg his parents to secure him, that they refuse?

2. With whom does Renton crash when he comes to Scotland for Matty's funeral in A Present?

3. In Junk Dilemmas No. 67, Dennis Ross OD'ed on a mixture of heroin and what?

4. At the beginning of Courting Disaster, Renton and Spud have been arrested stealing what?

5. At the beginning of There Is a Light That Never Goes Out, which mate is not with Renton?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Bad Blood, how does Alan Venters and Davie's relationship develop?

2. Describe Sick Boy's escapade in Deid Dugs.

3. How does Renton end up in an all-night porno theater in London Crawling?

4. How does the morning of There Is a Light That Never Goes Out end?

5. What demand does Renton's father make of Renton on his second day in bed?

6. How does Renton and Sharon's relationship change in Bang to Rites?

7. In what state is Renton at the beginning of this chapter?

8. What does Renton learn about Sick Boy in the celebration in Courting Disaster?

9. How does the trial of Courting Disaster turn out for Renton and Spud?

10. Describe the interchange Renton has with an old schoolmate at the end of this chapter.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The two primary settings of the novel are Leith and London. Write an essay comparing and contrasting these two locales. How is London dynamic and Leith distinctly static? Discuss the relative likelihood for heroin use in each of the settings. Which is more conducive to sobriety and why? Which major events occur in each, and how do these events come to define the world of this setting?

Essay Topic 2

Selfishness is a constant theme of Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting. Individuals forge friendships and relationships, but they hold their own self-interest far ahead of anyone else's well-being. Write an essay on the topic of selfishness, in three parts:

Part 1) Who does Sick Boy use over the course of Trainspotting? Discuss his relationship with Alison, his role as a pimp, and his treatment of Renton in his time of need. What goals does Sick Boy have as an individual, and who does he betray to achieve them?

Part 2) Discuss the role of Frank Begbie in the novel. Who does he use in order to find profit and pleasure in his life? What does he leave behind in order to live life unfettered? How does this reflect his values and objectives?

Part 3) In summation, discuss the final chapter of the novel. How and why does Renton betray all of his friends? What does he gain? How does he justify this betrayal in the closing moments of the novel?

Essay Topic 3

The narration of Trainspotting alternates between first and third person. Write an essay about these transitions and the difference between the two types of narrative. How does Welsh use different verbiage for each type of perspective? Discuss how each type of point-of-view reflects a different tone and intent? How do the first-person sections vary from one another depending on who is speaking?

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