Trainspotting Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Trainspotting Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Begbie berate Stevie in Victory on New Year's Day?
(a) He won't do a shot.
(b) He left the neighborhood.
(c) She is not a Hearts fan.
(d) He is being sullen.

2. What does Begbie do in this chapter when his mates don't want to go along with his plan?
(a) He verbally abuses them.
(b) He walks away.
(c) He punches Spud.
(d) He sulks silently.

3. Why specifically is Renton miserable in Junk Dilemma No. 65?
(a) He is cold.
(b) He is drug-sick.
(c) Hazel has left him.
(d) He has urinated on himself.

4. In The Glass, Renton expresses disgust at what group?
(a) Asians.
(b) The Irish.
(c) Skinheads.
(d) Pensioners.

5. What does Renton reflect on at the end of Junk Dilemma No. 63?
(a) How his parents do not respect him.
(b) How he can no longer get an erection.
(c) How junk will eventually kill him.
(d) How he has missed an Iggy Pop concert.

Short Answer Questions

1. Speaking to Dianne's parent in this chapter, Renton says he works for what?

2. What is Dianne doing when Renton notices her in this chapter?

3. What does Dianne do immediately after she and Renton have sex in this chapter?

4. How does Nina respond to the commotion at the end of Growing Up in Public?

5. Describe Renton's relationship with Hazel.

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Renton and Spuds' tiff and reconciliation in this chapter.

2. How does Renton prepare to come off of junk in The First Day of the Edinburgh Festival?

3. How does Tommy fall into the heroin lifestyle in Cock Problems?

4. How does Renton meet Dianne?

5. What does Renton discover the morning after having sex with Dianne?

6. How is Spud's life since coming off heroin?

7. Describe the incident in The Glass.

8. Why do the mates decide to go to the Meadows?

9. How does Renton almost lose his opium suppositories in The First Day of the Edinburgh Festival?

10. What do all of the Junk Dilemmas have in common?

(see the answer keys)

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