Trainspotting Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Trainspotting Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is not present with Renton at the club at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) Spud.
(b) Begbie.
(c) Sick Boy.
(d) Davie.

2. Why is Renton's sex drive higher than normal in this chapter?
(a) He has not been to a club in months.
(b) He is off heroin.
(c) He has taken a mysterious eastern herb.
(d) He almost had sex earlier in the day.

3. What about Dianne does Renton immediately dislike?
(a) Her dress.
(b) Her views on Northern Ireland.
(c) Her music taste.
(d) Her breath.

4. Why are Temps and Tommy surprised during the row in Her Man?
(a) The abused woman attacks Tommy.
(b) The rest of the pub joins in.
(c) The lowlife begins to cry.
(d) Ho one breaks it up.

5. From where are the female tourists who sit with Begbie and Renton on the train in Inner Shitty?
(a) France.
(b) Canada.
(c) Spain.
(d) Germany.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Begbie do in this chapter when his mates don't want to go along with his plan?

2. What is Dianne doing when Renton notices her in this chapter?

3. Who throws the glass in The Glass?

4. What does Renton hear as he wakes up in It Goes Without Saying?

5. Where is Renton's brother serving his military tour?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Renton slowly realize has happened at the beginning of It Goes Without Saying?

2. How does Tommy fall into the heroin lifestyle in Cock Problems?

3. How does Renton prepare to come off of junk in The First Day of the Edinburgh Festival?

4. Why is Stevie sad on New Years?

5. What is the cause of the brawl in Her Man?

6. How do Spud and Renton commiserate at the club?

7. Why is Tommy worried about his girlfriend in Scotland Takes Drugs in Psychic Defense?

8. Why do the mates decide to go to the Meadows?

9. How does Renton play his interviewer in Speedy Recruitment?

10. How is Spud's life since coming off heroin?

(see the answer keys)

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