Trainspotting Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Trainspotting Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened the last time Begbie started a fight?
(a) He was beaten.
(b) He made friends with the man after.
(c) He nearly killed a man.
(d) He was arrested.

2. With whom does Sick Boy have sex in The Skag Boys?
(a) Kelly.
(b) Sharon.
(c) Swan.
(d) Alison.

3. What performer's concert has Tommy bought tickets to in Scotland Takes Drugs in Psychic Defense?
(a) David Bowie.
(b) Iggy Pop.
(c) The Stone Roses.
(d) The Clash.

4. Describe Renton's relationship with Hazel.
(a) They are cousins.
(b) They were once engaged.
(c) She is his NA sponsor.
(d) They occasionally have sex.

5. What information does Billy reveal about Jackie at the end of Grieving and Mourning in Port Sunshine?
(a) He is the executor of Granty's estate.
(b) He has cleared his bank account.
(c) He is not from Leith.
(d) He is sleeping with Fiona.

6. Why does Renton get a rented room in The First Day of the Edinburgh Festival?
(a) Other junkies cannot find him.
(b) He wants to try out a new neighborhood.
(c) The rent is going up at his other room.
(d) He is having an affair with a man.

7. Who does Renton suspect is knocking at his door in Cock Problems?
(a) His mother.
(b) Stevie.
(c) Sick Boy.
(d) His landlord's son.

8. In Na Na and Other Nazis, how does Spud feel since coming off heroin?
(a) Uneasy.
(b) Bored.
(c) Horny.
(d) Energetic.

9. What is not among the alcoholic supplies that Begbie and Renton pick up for their trip?
(a) Beer.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) Rum.
(d) Vodka.

10. What does Stevie tell Stella before leaving for Edinburgh in Victory on New Year's Day?
(a) He is gay.
(b) He is HIV positive.
(c) They should see other people.
(d) He loves her.

11. In It Goes Without Saying, who thinks the group should leave the flat?
(a) Sick Boy.
(b) Renton.
(c) Spud.
(d) Matty.

12. What is Dianne doing when Renton notices her in this chapter?
(a) Trying to hail a taxi.
(b) Rejecting a slimy guy.
(c) Sleeping in a booth.
(d) Dancing with her girlfriends.

13. Where do Dianne and Renton go after leaving her parent's flat?
(a) A diner.
(b) His flat.
(c) Her school.
(d) A music store.

14. Why is Sick Boy annoyed by Renton in In Overdrive?
(a) Renton does not want to pick up women.
(b) Renton is off smack.
(c) Renton has told him he is bisexual.
(d) Renton thinks Roger Moore is the best Bond.

15. Who strikes the first blow in the brawl in Na Na and Other Nazis?
(a) The youngest skinhead.
(b) Dode.
(c) Spud.
(d) The bigest skinhead.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why specifically is Renton miserable in Junk Dilemma No. 65?

2. In The Glass, Renton expresses disgust at what group?

3. in Inner Shitty, why is Begbie leaving town with Renton?

4. What bad decision does Tommy make at the end of Cock Problems?

5. What bad news does Tommy bring in Cock Problems?

(see the answer keys)

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