Trainspotting Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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Trainspotting Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Blowing It: Bang to Rites, Junk Dilemmas No. 67.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In this chapter, Renton says nights like this make him want what?
(a) To leave Leith forever.
(b) A hit of smack.
(c) To sleep with his ex.
(d) To commit suicide.

2. Why does Uncle Boab's corpse sweat in Growing Up in Public?
(a) His electric blanket is still on.
(b) He has been on steroids for months.
(c) His fever is breaking after death.
(d) He is in the same room with a naked woman.

3. With whom does Sick Boy have sex in The Skag Boys?
(a) Sharon.
(b) Swan.
(c) Alison.
(d) Kelly.

4. At the end of The Glass, Renton reflects that he spent much of his childhood doing what?
(a) Trying to convince his friends that Begbie was alright.
(b) Trying to get Begbie to stop drinking.
(c) Trying to get away from Begbie.
(d) Repaying Begbie for an unknown favor.

5. Under what condition does the judge dismiss Renton's case in Courting Disaster?
(a) He remains in Edinburgh limits for 4 months.
(b) He returns to complete high school.
(c) He attends a drug rehabilitation program.
(d) He does 50 hours community service.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Renton's brother serving his military tour?

2. How does methadone affect Renton's cravings in Searching for the Inner Man?

3. Who is not present with Renton at the club at the beginning of this chapter?

4. What does Begbie do in this chapter when his mates don't want to go along with his plan?

5. Who throws the glass in The Glass?

(see the answer key)

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