Trainspotting Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Trainspotting Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Kicking Again: The First Shag in Ages.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is getting a cab to Swannie's a difficulty in The Skag Boys?
(a) Some yuppies want the cab.
(b) The cabbie does not want to pick up junkies.
(c) Neither Renton or Sick Boy have any money.
(d) It is raining and all the cabs are taken.

2. What bad news does Tommy bring in Cock Problems?
(a) He has chlamydia.
(b) His brother has died.
(c) The Hibs have lost again.
(d) Lizzy broke up with him.

3. Why does Davie bundle the bedding in Traditional English Breakfast?
(a) He wants to return them to the store.
(b) He brought them with him.
(c) He plans to sell them.
(d) He has soiled them.

4. At the end of The Glass, Renton reflects that he spent much of his childhood doing what?
(a) Trying to convince his friends that Begbie was alright.
(b) Trying to get away from Begbie.
(c) Repaying Begbie for an unknown favor.
(d) Trying to get Begbie to stop drinking.

5. What practical joke does Begbie play on Renton in Inner Shitty?
(a) He punches Renton in the testicles as he goes to the toilet.
(b) He tells the girls by them that Renton is gay.
(c) He urinates in Renton's beer.
(d) He draws on Renton's face while he's passed out.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is different about the narrative voice in Growing Up in Public from previous chapters?

2. In Junk Dilemma No. 63, to what does Renton compare his heroin high?

3. Who punches Stevie at the end of Victory on New Year's Day?

4. in Inner Shitty, why is Begbie leaving town with Renton?

5. Why does Renton inject into his penis in Cock Problems?

(see the answer key)

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