Trainspotting Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

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Trainspotting Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Relapsing: Traditional English Breakfast, Junk Dilemmas No. 65, Grieving and Mourning in Port Sunshine.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who throws the glass in The Glass?
(a) Begbie.
(b) Hazel.
(c) Renton.
(d) June.

2. What bad decision does Tommy make at the end of Cock Problems?
(a) He punches Renton.
(b) He goes out with Begbie.
(c) He shoots heroin.
(d) He drunk-dials Lizzy.

3. Why does Renton get a rented room in The First Day of the Edinburgh Festival?
(a) Other junkies cannot find him.
(b) He wants to try out a new neighborhood.
(c) The rent is going up at his other room.
(d) He is having an affair with a man.

4. What performer's concert has Tommy bought tickets to in Scotland Takes Drugs in Psychic Defense?
(a) The Clash.
(b) David Bowie.
(c) The Stone Roses.
(d) Iggy Pop.

5. How does the group in Grieving and Mourning in Port Sunshine accumulate its communal pot?
(a) They play the ponies.
(b) They play casino poker.
(c) They wager on fights.
(d) They do odd jobs.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of The Skag Boys, What does Mark Renton want to do instead of get high with Sick Boy?

2. Where is the group in Grieving and Mourning in Port Sunshine when they learn that Granty is dead?

3. What does Renton reflect on at the end of Junk Dilemma No. 63?

4. How does Nina respond to the commotion at the end of Growing Up in Public?

5. Where does Stevie currently live?

(see the answer key)

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