Trainspotting Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Trainspotting Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Exile: London Crawling, Bad Blood.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What performer's concert has Tommy bought tickets to in Scotland Takes Drugs in Psychic Defense?
(a) Iggy Pop.
(b) The Clash.
(c) David Bowie.
(d) The Stone Roses.

2. Describe Renton's relationship with Hazel.
(a) They occasionally have sex.
(b) They are cousins.
(c) They were once engaged.
(d) She is his NA sponsor.

3. Who goes along with Begbie in this chapter?
(a) Renton.
(b) Sick Boy.
(c) Spud.
(d) Matty.

4. What does Begbie do in this chapter when his mates don't want to go along with his plan?
(a) He sulks silently.
(b) He punches Spud.
(c) He walks away.
(d) He verbally abuses them.

5. What does Davie falsely admit in Bad Blood to bond with Venters?
(a) He intentionally infected a woman.
(b) He still shares needles.
(c) He raped his cousin.
(d) He likes Lee Marvin movies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Renton promise Spud at the end of this chapter?

2. Why is Begbie disappointed in A Disappointed?

3. Where are Gi and Renton at the end of London Crawling?

4. What is Gi doing to Renton when the latter wakes up in London crying?

5. From whom does Tommy borrow money in Scotland Takes Drugs in Psychic Defense?

(see the answer key)

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