Tracks Test | Final Test - Easy

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Tracks Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Rick come racing around to track down Robyn in Chapter 11?
(a) He read in the news that Robyn was lost.
(b) He knew Robyn lost her dog.
(c) He missed Robyn.
(d) To give her a ride to the end of the journey.

2. Which camel was unequivocally the leader of Robyn's pack?
(a) Goliath.
(b) Dookie.
(c) Bub.
(d) Zelly.

3. What did Robyn refer to as being "four hundred miles of spinifex wastes"?
(a) Wiya.
(b) Warburton.
(c) The Gibson Desert.
(d) Carnegie Station.

4. What are claypans?
(a) Scultured mounds of rocks and pebbles.
(b) Pale pink sandstone.
(c) Clumps of spinifex.
(d) Flat brown hard-baked Euclidean surfaces.

5. In Chapter 10, what was usually on the sandhills and about six feet across and four feet high?
(a) Camel saddles.
(b) Spinifex.
(c) Bushes.
(d) Snakes.

6. What is Pitjantjara?
(a) A camel breed.
(b) Part of the Australian government.
(c) A form of racism.
(d) An Aboriginal tribe.

7. What did Robyn and Rick see on their drive back along the Canning in Chapter 11?
(a) Uranium prospectors.
(b) Television cameras.
(c) Reporters.
(d) Diggity's grave.

8. How was Pipalyatjara different from many other settlements?
(a) It did not have a multi-tribal population.
(b) The settlement was set up to be permanent.
(c) There were many tribal neighborhoods.
(d) The settlement was brand new.

9. What was Robyn's most memorable feeling of her first day alone, after Rick left in Chapter 6?
(a) Confidence.
(b) Loneliness.
(c) Sadness.
(d) Guilt.

10. What did Robyn promise to give Eddie once they reached Warburton?
(a) A kiss.
(b) A rifle.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Money.

11. What repetitious action did Robyn's body take on when she had to shoot wild camels?
(a) Jump and crawl.
(b) Run and stop.
(c) Shake and sweat.
(d) Cry and laugh.

12. According to Robyn, when were photographers most brave?
(a) When looking through a lens.
(b) When setting up a shot.
(c) When asleep.
(d) When on their home turf.

13. Who called Eddie "Jacky-Jacky" in Chapter 9?
(a) Robyn.
(b) His wife.
(c) A tourist.
(d) Glendle.

14. What was the closest thing to a Zen statement to come out of Australia concerning the baby camel, Goliath?
(a) All you need is to love her.
(b) Friends are worth their weight in gold.
(c) Simply let her be.
(d) She'll be right, mate.

15. What led Robyn to have a very long and tense afternoon in Chapter 10?
(a) She set a fire.
(b) She got lost.
(c) Bull camels approached her.
(d) She lost the water.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Mrs. Liddle explain the strangeness of a deserted Aboriginal camp in Chapter 7?

2. What had Sallay strongly warned Robyn to fear the most in the desert?

3. What was the visible link between Aboriginal people and their land?

4. What time, approximately, did the camels awaken while on the trails in Chapter 6?

5. What did Robyn find to be a key in relating to the Pitjantjara?

(see the answer keys)

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