Tracks Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tracks Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do some people say they are plagued by bad luck?
(a) They are windigo
(b) Because of Father Damien
(c) Because the whites took their money
(d) Because of dissatisfied spirits of Fleur's dead relatives

2. Who is Russell's stepfather?
(a) Pukwan
(b) Eli
(c) Nanapush
(d) Dutch

3. Who are the three men Fleur plays poker with?
(a) Pete, Lily, Dutch
(b) Russell, Lily, Dutch
(c) Lily, Tor, and Dutch James
(d) Russell, Lily, Eli

4. How old is Pauline when she first meets Fleur?
(a) Eighteen
(b) Sixteen
(c) Twenty
(d) Fifteen

5. Where is Fleur attacked by the men?
(a) In a pig sty
(b) In the Catholic church
(c) In the freezer
(d) In the butcher shop

6. Where do Pauline's people bury the dead?
(a) The burn them
(b) In the lake
(c) In trees
(d) In the ground

7. Who does Pauline say attacked Sophie?
(a) Napolean
(b) Nanapush
(c) Eli
(d) Moses

8. What do people say caused the trouble in the village?
(a) Dissatisfied Pillager spirits
(b) A curse from Moses
(c) Fleur's dead child
(d) The lake man

9. What does Margaret throw into the lake on her way to the Pillagers?
(a) Coins
(b) Herbs
(c) Tobacco
(d) Meat

10. Where does Fleur go in the summer of 1913?
(a) The convent
(b) Argus
(c) To Moses' island
(d) Pukwan

11. What name does Nanapush give instead of his real name?
(a) David
(b) Grandfather
(c) John
(d) No Name

12. What do people say about Pauline?
(a) She is pregnant
(b) She is in love with Fleur
(c) She is Russell's mother
(d) She is touched in the mind

13. In what direction are the faces of Fleur's dead family turned?
(a) North
(b) South
(c) East
(d) West

14. Why do the men attack Fleur?
(a) She takes all their money in poker
(b) Because they are drunk
(c) She will not sleep with them
(d) She earns more than they do

15. What makes fools of anyone?
(a) The moon
(b) Religion
(c) The lake monster
(d) Starvation

Short Answer Questions

1. What is windigo?

2. Who does Pauline leave Argus with?

3. What happens to Pukwan Sr?

4. What does Fleur take with her to eat when she leaves Nanapush's cabin?

5. How does Pukwan treat Fleur when he drags the sled?

(see the answer keys)

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