Towers Falling Test | Final Test - Easy

Jewell Parker Rhodes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Towers Falling Test | Final Test - Easy

Jewell Parker Rhodes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is NOT an element of the place Deja says her family lives and sleeps?
(a) A tiny, dim square.
(b) A cavernous warehouse.
(c) Dark shadows.
(d) Hidden feelings.

2. Who is NOT someone Deja names as someone she wishes she could talk to after watching the attacks of 9/11 on video?
(a) Ma.
(b) A teacher.
(c) Her social worker.
(d) Pop.

3. What novel does Ben bring up in relation to the candy Sabeen brings from home?
(a) The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
(b) The Velveteen Rabbit.
(c) The Borrowers.
(d) Of Mice and Men.

4. How does Pop reply when Deja tells him she does not want to leave her school?
(a) He shrugs.
(b) He grunts.
(c) He tells her that he knows.
(d) He tells her to be quiet.

5. What revelation does Pop make to Deja about Miss Garcia after he spends the day at her school?
(a) Miss Garcia had watched the Twin Towers burning in ninth grade.
(b) Miss Garcia had watched the Twin Towers burning in fifth grade.
(c) Miss Garcia had watched the Twin Towers burning in third grade.
(d) Miss Garcia had watched the Twin Towers burning in her senior year.

6. What material does Deja say had acted as the Twin Towers' "bones" (155)?
(a) Metal.
(b) Mortar.
(c) Concrete.
(d) Glass.

7. Sabeen says that her father always tells her that "Sharing ideas is" (147) what?
(a) Complicated.
(b) Good.
(c) Crucial.
(d) Fun.

8. What action does Sabeen suggest that her group take first at the start of the building challenge?
(a) Have a group hug.
(b) Take measurements.
(c) Brainstorm possible strategies aloud.
(d) Sketch a design.

9. In what years were the Twin Towers finished?
(a) 1973 and 1983.
(b) 1945 and 1946.
(c) 1970 and 1971.
(d) 1930 and 1935.

10. Deja thinks that maybe seeing where the Twin Towers had stood will help her family do what?
(a) Understand each other better.
(b) Love each other again.
(c) Get out of Avalon.
(d) Be kinder.

11. What candy does Sabeen bring from home and offer to Deja and Ben?
(a) Turkish Delight.
(b) Licorice.
(c) Bit 'o Honey.
(d) Horehound candy.

12. For what reason is Deja embarrassed when she must remove her shoes in the entryway of Sabeen's home?
(a) Because her feet smell.
(b) Because she has no socks on.
(c) Because her socks are stained.
(d) Because she has holes in her socks.

13. What does Sabeen's father do for work?
(a) He is a lawyer.
(b) He works construction.
(c) He is a dentist.
(d) He is a dancer.

14. How many of the terrorists responsible for 9/11 were from Egypt?
(a) 13.
(b) 6.
(c) 3.
(d) 1.

15. What is Deja's proposed solution for answering her question about how a plane could make a whole tower fall down?
(a) She wants to hear the audio tapes of the victims' voices.
(b) She wants to write a letter to the president.
(c) She wants to visit the 9/11 Memorial.
(d) She wants to watch a video of the attacks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Sabeen and Deja do after dinner while the adults talk?

2. What is the reason that Deja says she cannot visit the 9/11 Memorial on a weekend instead of skipping school?

3. What does Deja decide her father needs above all else?

4. When Pop reaches Miss Garcia's classroom, he fixates on what sight?

5. When Deja meets Ben the morning of their visit to the 9/11 Memorial, what object does she see that convinces her that Ben is prepared?

(see the answer keys)

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