Tourist Season Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tourist Season Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Keyes try to get Kara Lynn to cancel?
(a) Appearance in the Orange Bowl Parade.
(b) Her plans to leave with her father.
(c) Lessons with Jenna.
(d) Desire to leave the house for dinner.

2. How does Wiley explain to Kara Lynn that the explosives will be set off?
(a) Whenever anyone approaches.
(b) From his boat as he leaves.
(c) Remotely by a barge.
(d) From her movements.

3. What does Kara Lynn insist she and Keyes do as they leave?
(a) Buy Keyes new clothes.
(b) Hold hands.
(c) Return the borrowed equipment.
(d) Wave to Bernal.

4. What was Wiley's column originally about before the rewrites?
(a) A fisherman.
(b) The mass exit of tourists.
(c) The Bahamian government.
(d) The killers in Miami.

5. What did the phone message on Keyes' answering machine say?
(a) He wants to turn himself in.
(b) He wants to see how Bloodworth is doing.
(c) He wants to talk to Keyes and Mulcahy.
(d) He wants to claim credit for all bombing.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Wiley tell Keyes they have left before the the dynamite goes off as they prepare to leave on Wiley's boat?

2. What type of lesson is Jenna giving to Kara Lynn?

3. Where does Keyes shoot Wiley?

4. What does Keyes use to hit Bernal?

5. In what shape is the large oak table the group sits around to discuss the disaster at the chamber of commerce office?

Short Essay Questions

1. What assumptions does the Orange Bowl committee make about the members of the group and why don't they pursue the topic in more depth?

2. What information does Kara Lynn share with Keyes in regard to Jenna?

3. What happens when Kara Lynn and Keyes play tennis at her father's club and what makes him appear far inferior than the other people at the club?

4. What does Wiley's last column that is run on the front page of the Miami Sun say?

5. What realization does Keyes come to as he drives through the night trying to save Kara Lynn?

6. Describe in detail the float on which Kara Lynn will ride.

7. What does Wiley tell Mulcahy when he calls him at his office about the plan of the Night of December group?

8. Describe the purpose of the Friendship Cruise and the type of people that will be aboard.

9. What decision does Kara Lynn make about the parade? Why does she make this decision and what is Keyes' response?

10. What has Bernal decided to do and why has he decided to do this in regard to Garcia?

(see the answer keys)

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