Tourist Season Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tourist Season Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are some policeman dressed to be able to walk with the float?
(a) Clowns.
(b) Beauty contestants.
(c) Shriners.
(d) Mermaids.

2. What is Bernal told he must do to be considered to return to the cause?
(a) Something to the Orange Bowl queen.
(b) Something to the Otter Creek Condos.
(c) Something spectacular.
(d) Something important.

3. Where is Mack Dane from?
(a) Oklahoma.
(b) Tennessee.
(c) Georgia.
(d) Texas.

4. What begins to land on the deck of the cruise ship after the helicopter approaches?
(a) Life jacket pouches.
(b) Garbage bags.
(c) Real fresh oranges.
(d) Expensive shopping bags.

5. How much money does Wiley say that he has along with his four fake passports?
(a) $40,000.
(b) $4,000.
(c) $400.
(d) $4 million.

6. Where does Kara Lynn's father make the majority of his profits?
(a) Orange Bowl parade reveune.
(b) Condo sales.
(c) Tourist dollars.
(d) Newspaper sales.

7. What does Kara Lynn see on Keyes that concerns her?
(a) Blood stains.
(b) Orange Bowl uniform.
(c) Bullet wounds.
(d) Mud and dirt.

8. Which of the following are the colors for the Orange Bowl?
(a) Orange and red.
(b) Orange and green.
(c) Orange and purple.
(d) Orange and yellow.

9. Which of the following literary terms describes the relationship between the murders and the theme of the parade?
(a) Irony.
(b) Relational.
(c) Irrationale.
(d) Alliteration.

10. Where is Keyes when he learns about the incident on the boat with the helicopter?
(a) In Kara Lynn's bed.
(b) On the deck of the boat.
(c) In his car traveling to see Mulcahy.
(d) In the newspaper office.

11. How does Wiley feel after learning that Bernal tried to kill Bloodworth?
(a) Furious.
(b) Respectful.
(c) Surprised.
(d) Impressed.

12. What room in the building was totally destroyed by the bomb?
(a) Men's room.
(b) Newsroom.
(c) Women's room.
(d) Mulcahy's office.

13. What provides Keyes with a clue as to where Wiley may have taken Kara Lynn?
(a) A newspaper from the trash.
(b) The items in the coffin.
(c) Jenna.
(d) Kara Lynn's clues she is leaving behind.

14. Which of the following characters reassures Keyes that everything will be fine?
(a) Wiley.
(b) Kara Lynn.
(c) Garcia.
(d) Bernal.

15. About how many crew members are there aboard the Friendship Cruise?
(a) 300.
(b) 500.
(c) 100.
(d) 50.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bernal's former commander tells him that he is the worst of anyone he has seen at doing what?

2. Where do Wiley and his group end up after they are deported?

3. What does Keyes call the Shivers as he leaves their house?

4. How does Keyes get Garcia back to the car?

5. Which of the following characters was asked to rewrite Wiley's column?

(see the answer keys)

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