Tourist Season Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tourist Season Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of expertise does James have?
(a) Environmental.
(b) Investigative.
(c) Martial arts.
(d) Shooting.

2. What does the young boy who is water-skiing hit in the water?
(a) A bouy.
(b) A red suitcase.
(c) A surfboard.
(d) A small shark.

3. Where is the bomb planted?
(a) Golf course.
(b) Airplane.
(c) Otter Creek Condominiums.
(d) Vehicle.

4. To whom is the GATOR2 license plate registered?
(a) Keyes.
(b) Viceroy.
(c) Seminole nation.
(d) Cabal.

5. Which of the following characters is Garcia's supervisor?
(a) Wiley.
(b) Sparky.
(c) Keyes.
(d) Hal.

6. Upon whom does Mrs. Kimmelman concentrate her affections?
(a) Skeeter.
(b) Wiley.
(c) Tommy.
(d) Keyes.

7. Where do Keyes and Mulcahy plan on having Wiley arrested?
(a) Bahamas.
(b) Airport.
(c) Orange Bowle Parade.
(d) Miami.

8. Where was Mitchell Klein stabbed?
(a) Leg.
(b) Tongue.
(c) Arm.
(d) Back.

9. In what state does this story take place?
(a) Iowa.
(b) Illinois.
(c) Idaho.
(d) Indiana.

10. What does Garcia tell Keyes he is now in charge of?
(a) Protection of Keyes.
(b) Orange Bowl parade.
(c) Condo development building.
(d) Task force.

11. Where is Jenna actually going according to the Shriners?
(a) Nassau.
(b) Wisconsin.
(c) Seminole Nation.
(d) Mexico.

12. What reason does Wiley say to Keyes will be the basis for the deportation of the Shriners?
(a) They are inappropriately dressed.
(b) They are illegal immigrants.
(c) They are undesirables.
(d) Their hats are a fashion mistake.

13. Who do Keyes and Garcia believe is behind the letters and possibly the murders?
(a) Bellamy.
(b) Cabal.
(c) Castro.
(d) Wilson.

14. Where does Jenna tell Keyes she is going?
(a) She is leaving the country.
(b) She is going to visit her parents.
(c) She is going to the beach.
(d) She is going to find one of the murdered men.

15. What does Keyes find under the outhouse at Wiley's cabin?
(a) Suitcase.
(b) Boots.
(c) Body.
(d) Wiley.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Wiley do to call for more policemen to come and take Wiley away?

2. Which of the following characters does Wiley seem to trust in this chapter?

3. What is on the license plate of the car that peels away just before Keyes passes out?

4. How long has Ernesto been in this country?

5. Why did Mrs. Kimmelman faint?

(see the answer keys)

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