Toujours Provence Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Toujours Provence Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mayle ____________ receiving fan mail from his readers.
(a) Wonders about.
(b) Hates.
(c) Enjoys.
(d) Fears.

2. Mayle picks up _______________ visitor at the railway station.
(a) A French.
(b) An Italian.
(c) An English.
(d) An American.

3. The man takes Peter to a shed in his backyard that has a back wall made of soil and is equipped with what?
(a) A CD player.
(b) Toad food.
(c) Cameras.
(d) A microphone hanging from the ceiling.

4. After returning home from the pharmacy with several mundane purchases--toothpaste and suntan lotion--Peter finds a brochure in his bag which discusses the problem of ___________________, which apparently is quite a prevalent condition among the French.
(a) The Common Cold.
(b) Constipation.
(c) Pneumonia.
(d) Influenza.

5. Mayle reminds his wife that he __________ picnics, based on his experiences in London.
(a) Loves.
(b) Does not care for.
(c) Does not mind.
(d) Hates.

6. The man's goal to produce a recognizable version of what?
(a) Oh Holy Night.
(b) The Star-Spangled Banner.
(c) The Marseillaise.
(d) Happy Birthday.

7. Why does Peter agree with Frank regarding his feelings of worry?
(a) He fears for Franks safety.
(b) It is the end of March.
(c) He is disappointed Frank lost his job.
(d) He worries about himself.

8. How does Peter feel about his discoveries?
(a) He is greatly disappointed.
(b) He is annoyed.
(c) He is very happy.
(d) He is concerned.

9. This man is is also composing an original anthem for whom?
(a) The U.S.
(b) France.
(c) The newly created European Common Market.
(d) The Italians.

10. Peter receives the ______________ birthday card in his life.
(a) Nicest.
(b) Heaviest.
(c) Smallest.
(d) Lightest.

11. The man explains that the toads are dormant and hidden where?
(a) In the soil.
(b) In his home.
(c) In the pond.
(d) In incubators.

12. Peter tastes samples of the various wines--_______________________.
(a) First the whites, then the roses, then the reds.
(b) First the reds, then the whites, then the roses.
(c) First the reds, then the roses, then the whites.
(d) First the roses, then the whites, then the reds.

13. After arriving home, why does Benson ask Mayle to contact his brother?
(a) He is a doctor.
(b) He is Benson's guardian.
(c) He is a lawyer.
(d) He is his best friend.

14. Mayle meets up with a neighbor named Massot who shares his distrust of what?
(a) French drivers.
(b) French doctors.
(c) French chefs.
(d) French police officers.

15. How does the book store owner surprise Mayle?
(a) He had arranged for a formal dinner in his honor.
(b) He had arranged for a group of Mayle's fans to attend the event.
(c) He had arranged for celebrities to attend his book signing.
(d) He had arranged for him to stay in a luxury suite.

Short Answer Questions

1. A few weeks later, Monsieur X calls Peter and arranges a rendezvous where?

2. The large shaggy animal is a stray and appears to be a French breed officially known as ______________.

3. A local couple, the ______________, are invited over to see the dog.

4. Mayle recalls the prolonged process he endured in order to receive what?

5. When does a storm break out?

(see the answer keys)

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