Total Control Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Total Control Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who appears to be engaged in subterfuge?

2. What is found in the debris of flight 3223?

3. Who is on the receiving end of the video tape made of the exchange Jason made in the warehouse?

4. Who does Jason meet in Seattle?

5. How does he get into her locked office after she leaves?

Short Essay Questions

1. What advantages do Quentin Rowe and Sidney Archer relay to Nathan Gamble to attempt to put his mind at ease?

2. What does Agent Sawyer learn in his meeting at Triton Global?

3. What does Sidney notice on the broadcast of the crash site, and what is she prompted to do?

4. What happens when Sidney checks Jason's computer for condolence emails?

5. What does Lee Sawyer learn from the Vice-Chair of the Federal Reserve Board, Walter Burns?

6. What does Frank reveal to Agent Sawyer?

7. What conversation does Sidney have on the plane that unnerves her?

8. Who approaches Sidney on the plane and what does he tell her.

9. What indications does Jason get that things may not be entirely right with this exchange of information?

10. Why does Nathan Gamble go to see Henry Wharton?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Who approaches Sidney while she is on the flight on her way home? What does he tell her on the napkin at first? What is his interest in what is going on, and when did he begin to pay attention to the overall situation? What does he tell Sidney that she doesn't already know? What warning does he give her before they land? How does that warning seem in part to be more of a premonition?

Essay Topic 2

Where does Jason instruct Sidney to go in an effort to meet with him? How is she supposed to get there? What methods does she use to try to shake her potential followers on her way to the airport and how successful is she? Where does she stay when she arrives, and why doesn't Jason meet with her? How does he communicate with her the second time? In what way does he manage to get a message to her, and how does that tip off Sawyer to what is going on?

Essay Topic 3

How is Sidney lured to the final confrontation? What is used for the second time to deceive her? What double crosses occur in the short time that follows, and who starts it? How does Sidney try to stall the inevitable, and what is she waiting for? What sequence of events finally take Kenneth Scales out of her life forever? Who is responsible for Kenneth's last breath? Who finishes Rowe? Who finishes Gamble? What is the final physical toll on Jackson and Sawyer?

(see the answer keys)

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