Total Control Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Total Control Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What surprises Agent Jackson about the way Lieberman lives?

2. What is the flight number of the plane Jason is supposed to be on?

3. Whose home does FBI Agent Jackson search?

4. What does Sidney learn about Jason's interview?

5. Who calls Sidney on her way home?

Short Essay Questions

1. What out of the ordinary activity does Jason engage in at the airport?

2. What leads NTSB investigator George Kaplan to believe that an acid or corrosive of some kind had been used to bring down the plane?

3. What does Brophy do that confirms the readers' suspicions that he is not acting in good faith?

4. Following Jason's instructions, what does Sidney do?

5. Who does Sidney Archer represent and what is she trying to accomplish?

6. What is Arthur Lieberman's biggest problem and how does it manifest itself?

7. What conversation does Sidney have on the plane that unnerves her?

8. What happens when Sidney checks Jason's computer for condolence emails?

9. Why is Sidney Archer uncomfortable on the way home in Triton's corporate jet?

10. What happens to the man who is responsible for the crash of flight 3223?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

How does Paul Brophy figure into this story? Where does he first come into play and under what circumstances? Why doesn't Sidney believe he will be the right replacement for the CyberCom/Triton deal? What reason does Paul give for showing up at her house before the memorial service for Jason? What subterfuge does he engage in and to whom does he report it? Where does he follow Sidney to and why.

Essay Topic 2

What motivates Quentin Rowe? How does he see the immediate future changing, and what kind of revolutions will result? Why does Rowe's vision of the future unnerve Sawyer? What does Sawyer compare Rowe's vision of the future to? What potential risks does he envision? Why does the detective believe that the potential gains will not outweigh the potential dangers in the scenario as described by Rowe?

Essay Topic 3

What kind of company is Triton Global? Who are its principals and what are their positions? What is Triton Global's position in the market? Why are they considering acquiring CyberCom? What is the forecast financially for Triton Global with the CyberCom merger, and without the CyberCom merger? What is so difficult about the negotiations of this acquisition? How does the general practices of the CEO, Nathan Gamble affect the fact that they become a victim of corporate espionage?

(see the answer keys)

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