Total Control Test | Final Test - Easy

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Total Control Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What information does Jackson confirm from Lieberman's doctor?
(a) That he does not have cancer.
(b) That he is not dying.
(c) That he does not have HIV.
(d) That he was not competent.

2. What does Nathan offer Lee in the small back room?
(a) A job.
(b) A meal.
(c) A drink.
(d) A ride.

3. What is the Postmaster's name in Bell Harbor?
(a) Jacob.
(b) Jeremiah.
(c) Jerome.
(d) Joseph.

4. What does Jackson take from Sidney before they converse?
(a) Her mail.
(b) Jason's disk.
(c) Her gun.
(d) Her coat.

5. Who is following them?
(a) The local police.
(b) Scales in his sedan.
(c) The FBI.
(d) A van with Scales, Lucas and six mercenaries.

6. Who answers the phone at Jeff Fisher's home?
(a) Sergeant Rogers.
(b) Nathan Gamble.
(c) Agent Jackson.
(d) Agent Sawyer.

7. What does he give her before he leaves?
(a) His holster.
(b) A hug.
(c) His number.
(d) Jason's bag.

8. How does Sidney respond to Lee Sawyer when confronted about her behavior, trip, avoidance of his men, etc?
(a) She gives logical explanations for all of it.
(b) She becomes violent.
(c) She gets hysterical.
(d) She has a nervous breakdown.

9. How long has Jackson been with the FBI?
(a) Ten years.
(b) Six years.
(c) Twenty years.
(d) Eight years.

10. Why were police at Fisher's home?
(a) To question him about Sidney.
(b) To arrest him for aiding and abetting.
(c) A burglary had taken place.
(d) To arrest him for collusion.

11. What does Jackson accuse Sawyer of?
(a) Losing his edge.
(b) Aiding a fugitive.
(c) Complete lack of perspective.
(d) Withholding evidence.

12. How does Fisher get rid of the people tailing him?
(a) He goes to a bar and calls a cab.
(b) He calls Sawyer to come and get him.
(c) He gets himself arrested for D.U.I.
(d) He eludes them in a parking garage.

13. What does Lee convince the government to do?
(a) Give Sidney the reward.
(b) Create a new computer system.
(c) Set up a new tactical force.
(d) Drop all charges against Sidney.

14. What does Sidney see as she is escaping?
(a) The local law enforcement.
(b) The FBI.
(c) Her parents' car followed by a sedan.
(d) The white van.

15. Why doesn't Fisher go straight home?
(a) None of these.
(b) He is too afraid to.
(c) He sees he is being followed.
(d) He decides he is hungry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who confronts Lee about information that was exchanged between him and Hardy at dinner?

2. What does Jackson notice about the photo Lee took from Page's home?

3. What does Lee notice about the video recording?

4. Who argues with Sidney about his perspective in this case?

5. How do they convince Sidney to come to them?

(see the answer keys)

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