Total Control Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Total Control Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Sidney believe her husband is going?
(a) Seattle.
(b) New York.
(c) California.
(d) London.

2. What does Jason see on his pager?
(a) News of the crash.
(b) Message from his father in law.
(c) News of the merger.
(d) Message from his daughter.

3. Where does Sidney's father put her mail as they are leaving?
(a) In her car in the locked garage.
(b) He takes it with him.
(c) In Jason's office.
(d) In the house on the table.

4. How does he get into her locked office after she leaves?
(a) He bribes the janitor.
(b) He picks the lock.
(c) He has his own key.
(d) He breaks the lock.

5. Who does he tell her to trust?
(a) Himself.
(b) No one.
(c) Her boss.
(d) The FBI.

6. Who wants Tyler Stone's job as head of Tyler Stone?
(a) Paul Brophy.
(b) Alan Porcher.
(c) Jason Archer.
(d) Philip Goldman.

7. Who kills the investigator in the parking lot?
(a) Paul Brophy.
(b) Kenneth Scales.
(c) Quentin Rowe.
(d) Jason Archer.

8. What does Sidney see at the crash site that rattles her?
(a) A child's toy truck.
(b) A child's shoe.
(c) A child's doll.
(d) A child's coat.

9. What happens to the man who sabotaged flight 3223?
(a) He is set for life.
(b) He is killed in his room.
(c) He is buying an Island.
(d) He is going to Europe.

10. Where does Sidney have to fly to?
(a) New Jersey.
(b) New York.
(c) New Orleans.
(d) New Denver.

11. Whose home does FBI Agent Jackson search?
(a) Nathan Gamble's.
(b) Lieberman's.
(c) Archer's.
(d) Quentin Rowe's.

12. Who does Sawyer add to the potential suspect list?
(a) Vice-Chairman Burns.
(b) Paul Brophy.
(c) Nathan Gamble.
(d) Quentin Rowe.

13. What does Sidney fail to notice for the second time after she leaves Gamble?
(a) Someone has been in her office.
(b) Someone has been following her.
(c) Someone has been in her home.
(d) Someone has been in her car.

14. Who almost catches Sidney when she goes into Jason's office?
(a) Nathan Gamble.
(b) Quentin Rowe.
(c) Richard Lucas.
(d) The night guard.

15. Where does Sidney fly to?
(a) New Orleans.
(b) New Jersey.
(c) New Mexico.
(d) New Rochelle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Jason been compiling and putting on computer?

2. Who is Jason's secretary?

3. What does Nathan insist on doing first?

4. How does Jason overcome his guard?

5. What does Sidney discover in the meeting?

(see the answer keys)

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